2013 - The Flu - Amazon Prime now available - English subtitle

2013 - The Flu - Amazon Prime (free) now available - English subtitle

I just happened to see this movie, almost similar , not completed seen yet.



This movie is absolutely scary…
I watched it long time ago but don’t want to watch it now. I would probably have anxiety issue if I watch it again.

Two novels as scary as the current situation: The Plague and Blindness. Those two have been in my reading list for a while but haven’t read them yet. Anyone reading them?

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What about Kingdom on Netflix? I heard it’s also very good?


World War Z (the book not the movie)

I haven’t watched it yet but it got good review in Korea.

Watching it now… Covid-19 is not as bad… however, can see similar ugly politicians’ behavior, underestimate and only care about re-election,… can imagine Wuhan has similar panic behavior upon lockdown…

Movie in Korean so have to read sub-title in English :slight_smile:

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The trending movie is The Contagion. Watching now. No worry, coronavirus is much milder than that in the movie.

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I re-watched The Contagion over the weekend. Perfect Friday/Saturday night movie to go with the current theme.

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