AAPL and Apple

manch first posted the 200 people news in this thread, yours is the third or fourth posting :slight_smile:

Refer to my comment to his post,

Above re-assignment (not retrenchment) + hiring slowdown (not freeze as widely reported), IMHO means…

That is to say, Apple is not rescinding or slowing down expansion/ growth projects. Is controlling cost or go where the talent are…

Expanding in Austin (& those mentioned in Dec by TC) is a long term strategy so I expect it to continue unabated, more likely would force hiring there and “freeze” (slow down drastically) hiring in SV. IMHO, cost of operation in SV is getting too expensive for businesses, and cost of housing is getting too high to attract people to come here. Businesses have to compensate employees for the high cost of living and people have to be convinced their career prospect would be enhanced significantly to be willing to live in million dollar shacks (or rent, ego would be hurt especially when they come from places like Atlanta :slight_smile: and Austin :grinning: where they could be staying in 4000 sqft mansion).

Other than Santa Clara city, San Diego and Austin are the places for …

I have never like Titan, and have been wishing it dissolved right from the start when I heard of it in the news. See my comments,

A typical house in northern suburb of Atlanta :slight_smile:

A typical house in northern suburb of Austin :slight_smile:

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