AI will replace you programmers


Actually, is not too late to invest in chip companies, NVDA is winning today but the field is very wide so could have many winners or at least possible buyouts of smaller companies by big guys like NVDA, INTEL or even AAPL and GOOG are possible i.e. many opportunities to make money still.

Given that you’re a chip guy, can you share with us your recommendations of potentials… I won’t hold you to it if they don’t work out. So far, I’m betting on NVDA (general purpose AI), AMBA (Computer Vision chip), CRUS (AI version of audio chip) and SYNA (AI version of far-field voice chip). I’m not a chip guy, selection is based on reading articles on the web :blush: Investment is only modest because I just don’t know much, need some1 who know to provide more depth.

Btw, Santa Clara city is on my RE buy list before I decide on Austin. The renaissance of semi would last for awhile but I heard that China is pretty fast on this trend. So I hesitated as not sure whether semi companies in SV can compete with China. In fact, China has jumped into AI way faster than most nations e.g. Singapore, Singapore is now desperate, too slow to adapt to the new AI trend.

AI is so important that UAE appointed a Minister of AI.