AI's Investment Implications

AI lending a helping hand in boosting female labor participation.

Bad AI

Images generated by the same prompt one year apart. AI is making very fast progress.

Law firms and companies’ legal teams are experimenting with AI tools that can handle work done by entry-level lawyers, potentially reducing billable hours (Wall Street Journal)

Jensen is rising in the billionaire league. As rich as Jim Simon and Li Ka Shing now.

PLTR is a challenger to NVDA in being the big boy in AI.
Market cap of NVDA = $783B
Market cap of PLTR = $25B
In 10-20 years, which one is likely to have higher return and CAGR?
A rumor is circulating that PLTR would enter S&P within a year.
Newsworthy: Cathy put PLTR in all her ETFs… the only stock.

Comparison of YTD return…

Ignore his political view… not sophisticated, more like parroting.

Is Palantir in Bay Area? No? Pass.


You would regret in 10-20 years. You miss out a $1T market cap stock… 40x :money_mouth_face: Max for NVDA is 5x, good but not good enough.

There are two main clusters of AI talents and they are all in Bay Area. One is the tiny Hayes Valley neighborhood in SF. The other is the 20 mile stretch of 101 between Nvidia in Santa Clara, Google in MV and Meta in Menlo Park. There are probably more AI top talents within these two small areas than all of the US outside.

Beware of all these non-SV companies selling the AI snake oil. Chances are they don’t have the talents to make shit happen.

Snowflake Could be Interested in AI Search Firm Neeva, Stock Rises


Christ doesn’t believe you. Your chance to pick up is when PLTR retests 200-day SMA. Currently, ST overbought.


Disclosure: Own U and PLTR.

Laughing at first statement ! You are biased towards PLTR as you own it!
In 10-20 years, which one is likely to have higher return and CAGR? => PLTR cease to exist in 20 years !
IMO, PLTR has the junk stock status compared to NVDA !

Soon, it will be a show case for everyone here why Fundamentals are important for buy/hold stocks.

Let us revisit after 2-3 years about PLTR !


I was messing with @manch :wink: I own both NVDA and PLTR, way more NVDA than PLTR :grinning:

Won’t age well. Tagged Jil_May212023. Re-visit May20, 2025… Marked on  Calendar :slight_smile:

Past record vs @manch and @Jil & a few others: I’m right :+1: This time might be different :grimacing:

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Fundamentals of PLTR…

FA = GIGO… verify by going to the last one minute of the video below… Future is unpredictable, need judgement call or vision :wink:

Past was 12+ years bull run, any useless company (like TLRY) can jump $393 (with P Thiel sponsorship) and you are right on any company you spot. This is where Cathy made money, JC made money…etc.

Such runs are creating uncontrollable inflation environments when plenty of money in the hands of speculators. All such wild speculative runs are killed by FED rate hike recessionary environment. Now, you know why J.Pow is not yielding until he sees inflation is dead beyond doubt!

I have many times informed, compare every company you invest with AAPL. PLTR does not have bare bones, loss making company and survival is based on government order to find cryptic intruders software etc.

Do not blindly invest.

Every loss you make out of such blind investment is being compensated with your AAPL return and you do not understand the pain of losing such money !


That wasn’t the past record I am referring to… guess your memory failed you… don’t bother about it. Don’t live in the past, past performance doesn’t guarantee future success. Investing is about the future, your prediction is tagged :smiling_imp:

I see you didn’t update your knowledge.

Negative perspective. Optimistic view is any loss is entertainment and learning lessons. Any gains is I’m right :wink:

Pain of owning AAPL since 1997… constant prediction of death knell… Investment is not about a few years timeframe… not even five years… much more :wink:

Since 1997, 26 :hugs: years later…

IMHO it’s far more important to know enough about a company to hold on tight when times are tough. That is avoid being Puru, who panic sold NET when it had a bad quarter report.

I don’t know much about PLTR. So showing me stock charts is meaningless. Tell me something about their tech and leadership. What makes them unique? Strong and compelling companies can often be described in fewer than 20 words. Tell me in under 20 words what is special about PLTR.



:+1: Obviously I don’t know enough. Otherwise, I would be YOLOing :rofl:

I am not eloquent in American English :hugs:

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You can write in Chinese. I understand Chinese.
