AI's Investment Implications

Now we know why he wanted a 6-month pause. He needs time to catch up.


ofc NVDA :slight_smile:

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Hiring specifically in back-office functions such as human resources will be suspended or slowed, Krishna said, adding that 30% of non-customer-facing roles could be replaced by AI and automations in five years.


After becoming very rich from advancing AI, he quitted Google to say…

In the interview with the Times, Hinton echoed concerns about AI’s potential to eliminate jobs…

I think he means eliminating many jobs and didn’t create much new jobs. Should not blindly extrapolate history that new tech always eliminated jobs and create even more jobs.

”…and create a world where many will “not be able to know what is true anymore.”


Today, we know?

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Every big technology advancement eliminates old jobs. If we didn’t advance, then we’d all still be farmers.


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So few followers?

Believe this man?

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This company started out as sales coaching for meetings. It’s impressive what they are doing.

It’s designed to make sales teams more effective and efficient not replace them.

All these doom and gloom “AI is replacing humans” narratives are mostly garbage. After ATM machines got rolled out nationwide people said we don’t need bankers anymore. Turns out we have way more bankers than ever. Just that these human bankers don’t need to count notes and coins anymore and can focus more on higher value add stuff like upselling. Same thing happened with spreadsheets. People predicted it will replace all the accountants and analysts. But we have more of these jobs than ever. Again, software replaced the mundane tasks of adding numbers and free humans to do higher value add like tax planning.

Humans will just need to up their games and move up a rung. Or said another way, if a job can be replaced by AI then that job is not worth doing by humans. Go run in another lane. There is a critical difference between “tasks” and “jobs”. People often confuse the two.

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This time is different :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

The correct analogy is cotton farming e.g. number of farmers per acre has reduced significantly. So the rest of farmers have to look for other jobs. Hopefully, there are other jobs available.

Why this time is different… because it is replacing many categories of jobs simultaneously.

May be, more people would go into housing industry and associated maintenance & repairs jobs e.g. plumbing, electricians, road building, etc.

Didn’t you say AI is nothing special and mostly hype? You can’t say both that it’s a hype and that it will cost widespread job loss.

Pick one.

What I meant is not AGI :rofl:


So far AI causes job losses for SWEs. Do you have stats that indicate SWEs are earning higher pay?

You sure it’s AI causing it? Not the Covid over hiring and then JPow raising rates to the skies?


You learn to be smarter :slight_smile: Just trying to pull the wool over your eyes.