AI's Investment Implications

Don’t know when they started doing it, but Amazon now shows an AI-generated summary of customer reviews on their listings. Here’s one on Victor’s classic mouse traps:

Nvidia turning into Google?

Is also a TSLA issue :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: Twitter issue too :shushing_face:

AI PC? Already on the market. Is called Mac :roll_eyes: yes, so is AI phones, AI tablets and AI earphones.

If both NVDA and AMD are winners, buy one will do, no need to be so complicated. I notice some fintwitters buy INTC, AVGO, etc :man_shrugging:t3:

Yes, focus on data stocks :+1:

Do people realize those SaaS companies don’t own most of the data? Their customers own the data, and there’s zero chance they’ll consent to it being used to train AI models.

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Data management software provide the AI facilities for their customers. If I’m not wrong, most of them have built-in data analytics and observability services. As for Cybersecurity, employ increasingly sophisticated AI.

For CS majors who don’t understand why PLTR is an AI company…

Contrary to what @manch belief, SWEs are losing jobs because of AI.

Correlation != Causation. Stat 101.

What does this word salad even mean?

I am not that smart. I can’t decipher all these meaningless mumbo jumbo. AFAIK most of what PLTR fanboys write are in this style. Nothing concrete, just some grandiose platitude.


We know :roll_eyes:

Can you do me a favor and explain in terms I can understand? What does that all mean? If you can map it to actual use cases of their products that’d be even better.

Nowadays there are too many fraudsters out there claiming they are AI companies. Need to watch out for those.


Please read old posts.

Don’t understand these posts because:

Turns out it has nothing to do with SWE. And I suspect the 30K number is not very reliable either.


Since above comments, PLTR outperforms NVDA!

Many technical papers are written on PLTR and post somewhere here… search yourself if interested. These papers are as difficult or easy to understand as any CS content. Just because you, @manch and a few other here don’t understand, no need to cope by claiming…

Is ok to admit…


For those who want to understand PLTR more deeply, can follow codestrap in YouTube.