All about College!

I don’t think MIT has released the early result yet.
BTW, my kid graudated lynbrook a few years ago, hence, I may not be able to find the result soon enough.

Grade inflation at Harvard. Soon every Harvard student will graduate with a perfect 4.0 GPA.


Grade inflation took off during the Vietnam war. If you flunked out you could be killed in Vietnam. Professors didn’t want to kill anyone so everyone got good grades. Diluted the value of grades . But it keeps getting worse. Now teachers don’t want their students to suffer to low self esteem. A slippery slope. Nobody wants a doctor who got socially promoted and is incompetent

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A really cool college!

Which is the hardest university to be accepted into?

Easy. Deep Springs College. Ever heard of it? Probably not. Though I suppose it’s technically not a university. It’s a small two-year college near the border of California and Nevada. They only accept a handful of boys every year (the total student body is around 26), and while they have voted to start accepting female students, it’s been delayed in the face of legal action until at least this fall. Only around 1000 students have graduated from the school in its entire 98 years, and of the 180–250 applicants each year, 14 are admitted for an admission rate of about 5–8%.

There are a couple of reasons why this school is so sought after. The first is that the graduates all go to Harvard, Yale, Stanford, and the like. It’s basically like an Ivy League two-year college. The second is it’s free. That’s right, 100% free. And the last is that in exchange for tuition, room and board, the students work on the on-campus ranch. So it basically teaches students the value of hard work both in and out of the classroom, and it’s regarded very highly by schools worldwide.


Learned something new about teachers today! From Quora. I highlighted the juicy bit.

Do male teachers have trouble finding wives because of their low salaries (or at least, perceived low salaries; I know that teacher salaries are good in some places)?

I have been a male for almost 41 years and a teacher for almost 13 years. I can only answer this question based on my own experiences.


In all of my years in education, I’ve known many other males who happened to be teachers, and only one of them was single. He was willfully single. He’d had girlfriends in the past, but he just preferred the single life.

The reasons males who are also teachers are attractive to women are:

  • Teaching salaries aren’t that low when compared to all salaries… they’re only low when compared to other positions which require college degrees. Even then, in some areas (like where I live in Chicago), teaching is a highly paid profession.
  • Besides the salaries, most teachers get very good benefits.
  • Teaching is also a very stable career.
  • If you’re a teacher, chances are that you’re good with kids. Most women like that.
  • Teachers have very predictable schedules. That’s really helpful when you’re trying to raise a family. Women appreciate that.
  • Teaching is a female-dominated field. Being one of the men in a building full of women all day makes finding a partner that much easier. Most people find their life partners in college or at work.
  • (This one is a secret, so don’t tell anyone.) A LOT of women have teacher fantasies, probably based on some attractive young teacher they had when they were in high school. “Teacher” is for many women what “cheerleader” is for many guys… it connotes someone we daydreamed about back when we were young adults.

Before going into teaching, I worked in retail. That’s where I knew the most single men, by far. There, at any given time, I worked with 50–70 different men. And, at any given time, fully half of them were single, and not always by choice.


Male teacher got to marry a female billionaire.

Female teacher got to marry a President.

We knew that. Is not a secret.

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Now that you mentioned it, it does make a lot of sense…


I think we need a poll here. Please note this is Pre/K to12 only. Crushes on college teaching assistants don’t count :stuck_out_tongue: :

  • I am male and had a crush on a teacher as a kid, and that makes teachers more attractive to me.
  • I am female and had a crush on a teacher as a kid, and that makes teachers more attractive to me.
  • Never had a crush on a teacher, but I find them attractive for other reasons.
  • I had a crush on a teacher as a kid, but would NOT want to date a teacher because of the low pay.
  • I had a crush on a teacher as a kid, but would NOT want to date a teacher because other reasons.
  • Never had a crush on a teacher, and never want to.
  • Would never date.
  • Other

0 voters

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I chose the wrong profession. :rofl:

I suspect if I were a high school teacher I would definitely go to jail…


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Why Lowell isn’t the SFUSD high school with highest UC admissions rate (


That would explain our own experience as well…

Thanks for sharing this. I was trying to research about good schools based on school curriculum and not student performance.

Are you in SF proper???

I’m not but want to decide where to move after 2-3 yrs focusing on school I.e South Bay or SF or Walnut Creek area. I live in Oakley.

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Makes a difference also boy/girl, are you minority or not, first time to college, and what the field is.

There’s a significant preference for girls in STEM, minorities in CS.

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Cupertino schools have it very rough.


@manch Super interesting! Can you dig up what %age of kids are in-state admissions for the UCs? To my knowledge, we have no requirement like Texas does where 90% of the people admitted have to be from Texas.

There you have it. Across all UC campuses, 75% are CA residents. International now accounts for 13%. Gotta make ends meet.


wow. My tax dollars at work… for other people.

Thanks for running the report.