Ballot measures other than Prop 10

I also believe this will result in “costs” to go up to keep profits increasing, since it’ll limit profits as a percentage.

Didn’t really read much, as i do not have citizenship just yet, but that was my stance.

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Not sure why. If not too late you can go with the herd…NO!!!

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Hope Harriet will stay away from brain washing by the media. Better listen to real people with real intelligence :joy:

Real world is complex and media wants you to be single minded and can be controlled with some buttons.

There’s no need to belittle my intelligence. Anybody can smell a rat in both sides of the coin, so in this case I decided to vote with my conscience.

My thinking on that was:
A “yes” vote supports requiring dialysis clinics to issue refunds to patients or patients’ payers for revenue above 115 percent of the costs of direct patient care and healthcare improvements.

This would result in increase in costs to increase profits. Sounds bad long term.

Need to do the same for rent control. Anything above 15% of cost needs to be refunded.

Need to do it to all the companies. Profit above 15% should be disallowed for Apple, Google, Genentech and Gilead.

Abolish profit should be the next step.

How do you increase your cost if profit margin is restrained? CEO and owner might increase their bonus and salary, and increase employee salary and benefit to make profit below 15%.

Stanford hospital is a non-profit so their profit is zero. But it’s still the most expensive hospital in the world. What a dumb proposition 8?! I did not bother to read

Don’t go off tangent. You won’t die without an iPhone.

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Prop 8 is more of Union play by the Clinic employees to force better employee pay and less profit to the owner. I don’t know whether it’ll reduce cost.

If this is really profitable, I am interested in opening a dialysis clinic. Need to research whether I am eligible

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If I make 30% profit, I’ll refund 15%. If I have a 20% loss due to smaller number of patients, can I get a 35% grant to make it 15% profitable?

Also who will audit my book? Is there any beauracy and red tape involved?

Also for stock investment, can we also limit profit to 15%? The excess stock investment profit can be used to expand section 8 program to everyone.

This way, Wall Street and Main Street would share the same economic interest. I believe income gap and wealth gap will be dramatically reduced.

However prop 8 is most likely going to pass. Enjoy your vote!

I think the idea was to force the dialysis agencies to reinvest the money into better equipment. Sorry but it ain’t going to work that way. It’ll be salary for the executives…

I still feel like even if it would make a decent law (and I’m dubious on that–better to mandate that the equipment be less than 5 years old), it doesn’t seem an appropriate issue for a ballot.

Taxes and legislator salary increases seem like more appropriate topics for a binding ballot measure…at best.


So once you’ve paid off your house, renovate it or charge 0 rent?


Have my friend charge me 2k to manage my properties, and I in turn charge him 2k to manage his.

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yeah… exactly. The IRS wins every time.

Everybody adopts AMZN approach :scream: Where do government get their tax revenue?

Pay their doctors very high and pump into R&D perpetually.

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Wall Street pays bonus based on revenue. Only 15% profit means pay traders and manager MORE. How to narrow the gap?

That is what IRS wants :slight_smile: I charges you for doing your household chores, you charges me for doing my household chores. :laughing: Government is also happy because we would have increased GDP :slight_smile:


Then get another prop 8 next time to have a upper bound and lower bound for pay. Every worker makes between 50k and 120k. All the excess pay will be taxed at 100%.

Wife swapping also increases GDP. :thinking:

How? It seems to be GDP neutral.