Berkeley Admissions Stats 2023

The 2023 UC admissions data was released on Mar 13. You can check it out at

Last year’s thread:

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Santa Clara County schools.

The “% Applied” column is out of the number of students applied, how many got accepted.

The “% Total” column is the ratio of accepted students out of the entire senior class. It takes out who applied and who didn’t. I think it’s a more useful measure. Here’s the data sorted on “% Total”:

UCB 2023 Applied Admit % Applied % Total
Saratoga 192 47 24.5% 15.7%
Monta Vista 352 57 16.2% 10.4%
Leland 188 39 20.7% 9.8%
Los Altos 248 48 19.4% 9.0%
Cupertino High 333 39 11.7% 8.7%
Gunn 280 35 12.5% 8.1%
Palo Alto 291 39 13.4% 8.1%
Los Gatos 195 33 16.9% 6.7%
Lynbrook 344 26 7.6% 6.0%
Mountain View 219 27 12.3% 4.9%
Evergreen 337 32 9.5% 4.6%
Fremont (Sunnyvale) 135 14 10.4% 2.6%
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I don’t understand the persistent underperformance at Lynbrook. We saw that last year too. What explains it?

And what explains the much higher acceptance rate at Monta Vista?

Saratoga has been doing very well.

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San Mateo County:

UCB 2023 County Applied Admit % Applied % Total
Design Tech San Mateo 61 12 19.7% 8.8%
San Mateo San Mateo 129 21 16.3% 5.3%
Aragon San Mateo 195 23 11.8% 5.3%
Hillsdale San Mateo 100 16 16.0% 4.0%
Carlmont San Mateo 276 35 12.7% 6.0%
Burlingame San Mateo 143 25 17.5% 6.5%
Mills San Mateo 123 12 9.8% 4.0%
Capuchino San Mateo 55 7 12.7% 2.6%
Westmoor San Mateo 47 5 10.6% 1.5%

San Francisco:

UCB 2023 County Applied Admit % Applied % Total
Mission San Francisco 90 39 43.3% 15.0%
Lowell San Francisco 499 69 13.8% 10.5%
Galileo San Francisco 180 28 15.6% 6.1%
Lincoln San Francisco 182 26 14.3% 5.2%
Washington San Francisco 216 26 12.0% 5.1%
Burton San Francisco 74 6 8.1% 2.3%
Balboa San Francisco 115 11 9.6% 3.4%

East Bay:

UCB 2023 County Applied Admit % Applied % Total
Dougherty East Bay 527 86 16.3% 11.0%
Mission San Jose East Bay 371 37 10.0% 7.9%
Foothill East Bay 240 13 5.4% 2.4%
Dublin East Bay 372 25 6.7% 2.9%
Irvington East Bay 297 28 9.4% 5.1%
Piedmont East Bay 101 9 8.9% 4.7%


UCB 2023 County Applied Admit % Applied % Total
Saratoga Santa Clara 192 47 24.5% 15.7%
Mission San Francisco 90 39 43.3% 15.0%
Dougherty East Bay 527 86 16.3% 11.0%
Lowell San Francisco 499 69 13.8% 10.5%
Monta Vista Santa Clara 352 57 16.2% 10.4%
Leland Santa Clara 188 39 20.7% 9.8%
Los Altos Santa Clara 248 48 19.4% 9.0%
Design Tech San Mateo 61 12 19.7% 8.8%
Cupertino High Santa Clara 333 39 11.7% 8.7%
Gunn Santa Clara 280 35 12.5% 8.1%
Palo Alto Santa Clara 291 39 13.4% 8.1%
Mission San Jose East Bay 371 37 10.0% 7.9%
Los Gatos Santa Clara 195 33 16.9% 6.7%
Burlingame San Mateo 143 25 17.5% 6.5%
Galileo San Francisco 180 28 15.6% 6.1%
Carlmont San Mateo 276 35 12.7% 6.0%
Lynbrook Santa Clara 344 26 7.6% 6.0%
San Mateo San Mateo 129 21 16.3% 5.3%
Aragon San Mateo 195 23 11.8% 5.3%
Lincoln San Francisco 182 26 14.3% 5.2%
Washington San Francisco 216 26 12.0% 5.1%
Irvington East Bay 297 28 9.4% 5.1%
Mountain View Santa Clara 219 27 12.3% 4.9%
Piedmont East Bay 101 9 8.9% 4.7%
Evergreen Santa Clara 337 32 9.5% 4.6%
Hillsdale San Mateo 100 16 16.0% 4.0%
Mills San Mateo 123 12 9.8% 4.0%
Balboa San Francisco 115 11 9.6% 3.4%
Dublin East Bay 372 25 6.7% 2.9%
Fremont (Sunnyvale) Santa Clara 135 14 10.4% 2.6%
Capuchino San Mateo 55 7 12.7% 2.6%
Foothill East Bay 240 13 5.4% 2.4%
Burton San Francisco 74 6 8.1% 2.3%
Westmoor San Mateo 47 5 10.6% 1.5%

Thanks Manch. Appreciate sharing it

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Thanks for sharing Manch! What happened to Irvington, i thought it had the highest admitted percent in the past? Am i remembering wrong stats for them?

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Irvington %Total

2023: 5.1%
2022: 5.6%
2020: 10.6%
2019: 10%

Admit rate got halved. In terms of raw numbers, in 2019 50 Irvington kids got accepted into Berkeley. In 2023 only 28 got in.

Same thing happened at Lynbrook. In 2019 admit rate was 12.9%. 2023 was only 6%.

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This webinar is pretty decent and covers a lot of ground.

It means UCB doesn’t like Lynbrook any more?
UCB used to admit around 65-70 students but after pandemic, this trend has changed.
Sigh…. (Still have a kid at Lynbrook although I don’t think my non-stem kid wants to go to UCB).

I am scratching my head about the difference between Monta Vista and Lynbrook. Only 26 kids got accepted to UCB from Lynbrook but 57 from MV. Literally over 2X the number.

I don’t know enough about Cupertino schools to understand the difference…

My oldest kid likes Berkeley the best, out of all colleges we visited through the years. But I have been trying to steer her away. Berkeley’s CS classes are just too darn big. It’s a sink or swim on your own environment with minimal support. Someone asked a Berkeley CS professor what’s the difference between MIT and Berkeley as he had graduated from both schools. He said the material is equally hard at both places but Berkeley is more difficult because Berkeley doesn’t give students enough support like MIT does.

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Only thing I can speculate (but am not sure) is Lynbrook kids all applied to EECS (or at least to engineering school) and as a result, the admit rate looks horrible?
My oldest is graduating college this year with CS degree. She went to private college and has been happy and satisfied with the environment/support/education they provided. At the end of the first year, professors accepted almost everyone who applied for summer research. Hardly any competition during course registration. Their curriculum was demanding and intensive but there was no competition on the limited resources.

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Right. That’s my theory too. But would love to see some real data to back it up.

Does the Lynbrook area have a higher concentration of techies compared to Monta Vista?

I don’t know. I am just speculating from the result because no other academic factors have changed at Lynbrook. For example, Lynbrook still showed the highest ratio on ‘number of NMF per student’ among all schools in bay area. Many kids take classes from CC aggressively. Both of them are appealing factors for UC admission. UC loves kids who can graduate as soon as possible because for them educating one more in-state student is direct financial burden.
Given all, I can’t think of any other explanation.

Which colleges are you trying to steer her towards? Curious cats want to know :sweat_smile:

My kid hasn’t even started high school yet. So all these aren’t really serious yet. But if it were up to me, Brown or Cornell would be awesome. Or a smaller private college like Wellesley would be great too.

My kid wants to do CS as well. The problem with UC, or any high ranking state schools for that matter like UW Seattle, is that kids need to declare CS from the get-go on their college apps. They can’t be doing Physics and later fell in love with computers and want to switch major. It’s impossible to switch into CS midway.

I want my kids to experiment and branch out a bit more in college. CS is great but so is Math and many other subjects. Another problem with huge state schools is that kids don’t get much support, and have to fight huge bureaucracies if they don’t go on a limited number of set paths.


If she is interested in LAC, check out Claremont Colleges as well. HMC and Pomona have great CS and STEM programs.

We visited the Claremont Colleges two years ago. My kid doesn’t like the campus…


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