I predicted it. Looks like Trump will win
Hard to see this benefiting the Dems. Biden was behind before the debate and Harris has always been even less popular. Her performance as “border czar” isn’t likely to win the Dems AZ. And she has to run on the rest of the Biden record as well. Biden’s polices have always been the real issue - not his age.
Will she pick a VP run-mate before or after she get the nomination?
Anybody know?
Joe’s gonna be pissed when he wakes up and is told he dropped out & endorsed Kamala.
Yes she is going to have to pick one. But the news I was just watching said the 4000+ delegates who will vote to choose the Dem party nominee are not legally bound to pick Harris (they are legally bound to choose Biden has he stayed in the race) because the nomination does not just transfer from Biden to Harris. So Harris will have to earn it and it would be a process.
Funny that I saw the other day that AOC didn’t like Harris that much and she was one of the leading voices to ask Biden to stay in the race. So diversity doesn’t necessarily like diversity.
Dream team would be that Harris picks Newsom. California duo on the national stage.
The Democrats will be in total chaos at the convention… could be like 1968 when Johnson abdicated… I remember listening to the radio when he quit. Instinctively he knew he wouldn’t survive till 1973… as it was he died a month after the inauguration of 1973… Biden won’t survive til 2029.
Surprising. I’m registered Republican, but I didn’t like all the recent candidates. I didn’t vote for Trump nor Clinton. And I didn’t vote for Trump nor Biden.
Wait and see who Democrat come up with. I assume it is not a given that Harris will be nominated. And I have to see what will be Democrat nominee’s agenda and platform.
But in California, it most likely won’t much difference, as it will be likely be Democrat.
The Dems need Harris because of the logistics involved in transferring campaign monies to someone else. I doubt the platform and agenda will differ much from Biden’s.
Harris is in trouble if her CA history is scrutinized. Lots of issues with her tenure as DA in SF and prior to that. Not a record of accomplishment. More a record of “failing up.”
Wikipedia had a bio on Harris with a full section devoted to all her scandals. That section was removed when she ran for president. Don’t know if Wayback Machine could find it.
Biden is trying to create a legacy of being a good guy. In reality he has been lying to his own party about his ability to run the country. And consequently screwed his own party from getting the best Trump killer candidate vetted through the primaries… therefore the Democrats will lose…
For some reason I think Biden’s real intention is to prevent Kamala Harris from automatically becoming the president if he can’t last the 4 years of the next term, so this is his way of fighting to not let that happen.
Walz let Minneapolis burn. He is Bernie progressive. Kamala believes in reparations taking away your ICE cars. 80% tax rates… getting rid of borders, police, property rights . Wants national rent control. Medical for illegals … she snuck past the vetting process. She is the least popular of all her Democratic rivals. Got zero votes in 2020 primaries. And yet it’s Trumps election to lose and he’s doing a terrible job right now…
Its the same exercise this year unfortunately. We are not focusing on actually who is the best candidate, but who is the least repulsive. Say what you want to say, but is it not telling when nearly half of his former Cabinet will not outright support him for another term? And those in the Republican party who denounced him but still say they will vote for him are pathetic and stupid. People like this, are selfish and do not care about this country. Simple as that.
Have you looked at the turnover in Harris’s reports?
Makes one wonder how she would ever keep a cabinet.
Does it matter? Which person is less repulsive? It is not a hard question.
Apparently it is a hard question as the country is or less evenly divided.
Boils down to core values and concepts of good and bad and right and wrong - concepts on which Americans hold diametrically opposed and irreconcilable views. We could agree on the facts - which in and of itself is unlikely - and it still wouldn’t matter.
Well, this is why the US is not as great as it used to be and people like me are leaving.
A pox on everyone’s house.
Hannan kind of loses me though with the “convicted felon” thing. Trump is only a convicted felon because of our justice system which, again, has been turned into a grotesque caricature of Putin’s Russia. That would have been a better angle for the thesis.
A country that picks its leader on DEI grounds is doomed - Washington Examiner