Bitcoin's 10 trillion dollar valuation is fast approaching

RE was all over the news and every publication right before the crash. There were headlines about how RE was the ultimate investment, and you can’t lose money investing in RE.

Not to mention all the house flipping shows where every house seemed to sell at a profit for some reason. Kinda like my Sunset district where every house of course goes way over…

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During the financial crisis, vacation homes and the less desirable neighborhoods like EPA, ESJ, East Bay and Gilroy fell the hardest, like 50%-90% decline whereas Fortress dropped about 15-20%. So if one has to buy, please buy in desirable neighborhoods and with no show stoppers like near busy roads. Bad layout in undesirable neighborhoods are selling as if and in some cases, more than those in Fortress.

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How to buy Bircoin?

More important how do you sell it?
When there is a big rush to sell make sure you have an available buyer.


They already had problems with it today. People couldn’t buy or sell. This isn’t traded on an regulated exchange. I imagine there’s also no circuit breakers to stop if there’s a flash crash. Oh, this is going to be epic.

wuqijun favorite is Tesla, but his stakes in PYPL will be higher than TSLA !

IIRC, he got PYPL pre-ipo price !

I did not own bitcoin, but owned GBTC for a month, but not owning any crypto or GBTC now. Better to avoid GBTC as this is almost 33% premium over bitcoin.

What does this mean? If bitcoin is $11000, one GBTC owns apx 1/11th of BITCOIN almost $1000 worth of it. However, when you buy one GBTC, it sells at $1350 (means 35% premium). So our risk of owning GBTC is 35% more than bitcoin.

If the market crash, no buyer will be there to buy GBTC or the Trust may file bankruptcy as Bitcoin may be worthless level.

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Vanguard is unlike many other financial institutions.

Same deal. They charge less in fees but make them back by selling services in bulk.

A Hong Kong HF manager said a Swedish bitcoin ETN has way less expenses than the american one. Look it up if you want to go to that route. That way you can borrow margin and 5x your bitcoin return. Instead of a pedestrian 100x return you will have a truly impressive 500x. Turns 100k into 50M. :smiling_imp:

Google ETN = “Exchange-traded notes (ETNs) are a type of unsecured, un-subordinated debt”.
Bitcoin itself imaginary currency, ETN is another vacuum over it.

ETN is scary one !

Actually, I already sold most of my stake there to finance my stock and real estate investments. I think I did a pretty decent job with that… I have quadrupled my networth since. Could have done much better but can’t complain too much… :laughing:

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From $1M to $4M or $500k to $2M?

Whichever, congrats.

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From $100k to $400k… :rofl:

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Read this please

Buffet on amazon since someone asked.

Um… you made it sound like you’re older like @hanera :laughing:

I just didn’t have enough eggs and steak. :smile: