California Burning

It looks really dark now outside my window in SF… and it’s only 3pm. :scream:

Pretty gloomy here in the south bay as well and i can smell the smoke clearly

Someone should tell California Democrats that forest fires produce a ton of CO2. They should create a law banning them.


Are there similar fires in Nevada, Arizona and Oregon? Is there anything special in California?

We need to hike gas tax 10x to get rid of ICE cars.

EV takes ages to charge. If you forget to charge overnight, can’t drive off immediately :joy:

Malibu Burns as Lady Gaga, Kardashians Lead Celebrity Exodus

Seriously? Among all the things, this is what you picked to say?


Not here in AZ. Forests are thinned and ladder fuels cleared.


So much tax in California and what was done to prevent these fires that happens so often?

I think we can ask 20% of the climate scientists to study how to reduce and prevent wildfires. Maybe we don’t even need any scientists to study wildfire. There might be enough research five and we just need to prioritize the wildfire prevention

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It’s easy to do and the strategies are well known but why would Sacramento want to prevent wildfires? The rural areas where they are most likely to happen are Republican, the state gets gobs of “disaster relief” monies to spread around and the governor gets to bloviate about global warming and score more political points. Win-win-win.

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We know how to prevent them and make them less severe. Their hands are tired by environmentalists who demand they leave the forest undisturbed.


Have to do more controlled burns.

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So the wildfire is a man made disaster to some extent. It has become too much and too frequent. Send those single minded environmentalists somewhere so they won’t make more wildfire

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It’s not surprising there’s a ton of red tape involved.

The most crazy conspiracy theory I have ever seen. Up to the caliber of caravan being funded by Soros.

Most of CA forest land is owned by the feds. Congress should have funded the forest service more. CA state is starting to do more preventive measures and increase funding but the feds are still mostly sitting in their hands.