Change Coming To Prop 13?

I want them to rent from me :grinning: Lower state income tax and higher property tax is more advantageous to my situation :rofl:

Maybe that’s why rich liberals are finding all the secretive ways to attack prop 13. They all want to rent their investment property to lower income homeowners! Plus rich liberals are tired of high state income tax as well.

Arnold rejected Warren Buffet and protected prop 13. But I guess liberals will never stop and they’ll find all the creative ways to divide property owners and eventually conquer the property tax kingdom

I’m neither rich nor liberal.

But you may share the same economic interest with the rich liberals.

Hanera is a target for rich liberals to use the divide/conquer strategy. Help safeguard him!

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This is only for commercial properties. Homes will not be touched.

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“This is a divergence from Prop. 13,” he said. And while it might only affect commercial property “our members know we will be next on the menu.”

I’ll vote No.

These people will go for commercial property first, then go after you. I have no trust on these tax hungry people. We have too much tax revenue already, they need to learn to budget and spend wisely. Tax hunger is bad.


New taxes or tax increases always hit the rich first. Then they trickle down to everyone else. When US income tax started, only 7% of people made enough to have to pay it. People supported it, since they figured it wouldn’t impact them.

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What if short-term you gain :slight_smile: Say, your tax bill would be reduced by 10% ?

No on tax increases, that has become my new principle.

I want them to deregulate, repeal public pensions and let citizens to audit government spending before talking about any tax increase.

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Why does the state need more tax revenue? Property taxes revenue is growing 5%+ a year. The state has some of the highest income, sales, and property taxes.

The article says it’s only be reconsidered for businesses owning properties; not for individual home owners.

They always start with easy targets then expand it later.

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Just make California even more hostile towards businesses. It’ll be fine. They won’t leave.

California’s Solution for a Looming Covid-19 Budget Disaster

Proposition 13 created a huge loophole for big property owners. Voters may close it come November, funneling $12 billion to struggling schools.

Stack points to a study from the University of Southern California showing that 78% of the revenue generated would come from just 6% of the property owners.

The ballot measure would affect any parcel owned by an entity whose total commercial or industrial land holdings exceed $3 million. The proposal seeks to protect small business owners, while big companies that own a large number of small properties (like a restaurant chain) must pay up. The new law would hold the maximum tax rate to 1% while offering some exemptions.

It should be law that any tax needs to be applied equally to everyone at the same rate. That’s actually fair.

Article is behind a paywall

Edit: give me some time I’ll screenshot it
But you can copy the link and put it into incognito or private mode and that will bypass wall

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