Change Coming To Prop 13?

That article is complete BS and just more SJW propaganda. EPA gets more funding per student than Cupertino. School funding per student isn’t the issue, but that doesn’t fit the victim narrative.

So troublesome? Just use “reader view” of Safari

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All of our problems can be fixed with just more taxes and more money. Sigh

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For a start. Eventually it would extend to residential :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

“We have the highest marginal income tax rate in America, the highest sales tax rate in America, the highest gas tax in America, and the highest corporate tax west of the Mississippi,” said Jon Coupal, president of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, a lobbyist group which actively opposes the ballot measure. “The costs of businesses are invariably passed along to consumers, and a $12 billion tax increase will simply exacerbate the cost of living situation in California.”

According to @manch, startups would pay up since their funds are from devils who earn their $ from evil means :stuck_out_tongue:

Highest marginal income tax
Highest sales tax
Highest gas tax
Highest corporate tax

Soon highest property tax :scream:

Good luck, 7x7ers.

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It’s ridiculous…

This new Becerra tax will wipe out commercial and retail businesses statewide. Covid19 has caused mass bankruptcies . This bill won’t raise any money and will destroy the economy.


You guys keep having it backward. California taxes are high because it can afford to. Even with high taxes those damn businesses still choose to open shops here.

Why lower your standard if you are the hottest girl in town and everyone is courting you?

You want lower taxes? Have the next crop of mega tech companies started somewhere else. Too bad Austin just lost its only unicorn.



Do you really think that CA business can afford more taxes , especially the ones with no revenue for the last three months? Most shopping centers charge the tenants for property taxes. They will all be empty next year.

If businesses can’t afford and they drop dead left and right the pols won’t levy the taxes. Plain and simple. We are a democracy. Government is whoever the people put in power.

Don’t trust @manch shallow critical analysis :scream:

It doesn’t matter since startups don’t make $$. Don’t make $$. What happen if it starts to make $$. Do what Elon Musk does :grinning: Move to Austin :rofl:

What does Elon do? You mean keeping the high paying engineers in Bay Area but offloading the manufacturing jobs to whoever pays the most subsidy? Sounds like a great business plan.

Are you excited to pay for Elon employees’ schools?

Businesses don’t pay taxes. They collect them from their customers in the form of higher prices. It’ll get harder and harder for California based businesses to compete, since consumers won’t want to pay the price premium.

Elon’s employees will live somewhere. They will pay property taxes as home owners or as part of their rent. That will fund the schools.

So you are not upset at poor people not paying income taxes no more?

Why would poor people not pay property tax? It’s either part of the rent they pay, or they pay it as the home owner. If you don’t realize it’s property taxes that fund schools, then I’m not sure what to say.

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True but there is a difference in magnitude. The engineer paying 1.2% of the purchase price on his SFH in PA pays a lot more property tax than a renter in an apartment purchased 30 yrs ago. And yet if both have 1.9 kids they consume the same educational resources. If I were a municipality I would rather have the former.

Yet, EPA receives more school funding per student than Cupertino. The state is heavily involved in redistributing the tax revenue in the name of fairness.

As long as @hanera is cool with subsidizing billionaires like Elon all is fine. Maybe Austin likes to surround itself with manufacturing plants. Bay Area has a different vision.

You’re getting it. Texas is bringing back manufacturing to give Americans jobs! Not feeding your illegal immigrants. Notice manufacturing attracts R&D!

You’re getting it again. These PhDs would soon go to Austin. Elon wants these ivory tower guys to tackle the factory issues on the floor immediately and not sitting in air-con rooms.

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Sure. We need different states taking different paths. Texas takes the high school grads swinging hammers, California takes the PhD AI engineers. This way America can prosper for both sets of people.