Climate Change

Yea, I’m going to sit inside. Thank you very much.

He is also hoping to keep people coming to the outdoor space surrounding their adobe building at night when temperatures may fall to the 90s.

A Table Outside? More Diners Say No Way

Same in San Francisco… except it’s too cold.

You can layer up if it’s cold outside. But you can’t rip your skin off if it’s hot.

Never too cold (for white people) to dine outside.
So many happy hours outside in some wind tunnel alleyway in the FiDi with my white coworkers. Drink more to stay warm.

Of course they had their Patagonia jacket on though.

I was hanging in my pool today. 97 outside. Very enjoyable .
It’s all about adapting to your local weather

Portland at 108 degrees. Probably nothing.

I think people in Portland look forward to hot weather. Usally cold and overcast.

Tahoe thus week… starting to cool off. Looking forward to 90 degrees at my farm next weekend. Supposed to be 104 today. Good for my grapes…
It rained in Tahoe today… coming global cooling?

Not good very bad.

Canada’s wildfires, 2023 vs the past 20 years

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Same mismanagement is in much of the US.

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USA being the leader, most nations copy USA and hence is not surprised that they have the same mismanagement. I am not sure what @manch is trying to say. Is @manch saying since other nations have the same problem, the problem in USA is not unique and is not due to mismanagement?

So many carbon emissions…. At this pace, their fires will have more emissions than all cars in the US.

They intentionally make sure everything is connected which literally makes wildfires worse, since they can spread much easier with no breaks.

Sound familiar to anyone?

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Meanwhile, I bet these fires cause more CO2 emissions than the utility is preventing by being woke.

Probably nothing.

Monsoons are an annual occurrence in the Southwest. That weather pattern also drives thunderstorm activity in the Sierra. We welcome the added moisture. Flooding in the desert is very common, especially in arroyos. We will see if this current storm matches the hype. I know there was serious flooding in Phoenix 2 years ago. This water is actually welcome. Of course the area will still be in a drought even if the climate change alarmists are right Hurricane Hillary will probably only be as significant as her human namesake… lots of hot air signifying nothing…

Actual NOAA weather forecast for LA. Light rain this weekend with thunderstorms on Monday…10-15 mph winds…
50% chance of rain Monday in Tahoe

Desert Storms.

Looks like Cabo escaped the hurricane

“None of this has ever happened before…”

History begs to differ.


Looks like a minor rain event in LA… if you’re from anywhere else. Of course for the woke crowd it’s the apocalypse.

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They always think the world is ending. It has to be a stressful way to live. No wonder so many need anxiety meds, antidepressants, and blood pressure meds. Oh, then they need meds for the side effects of those meds. Then we wonder why America is consuming 90% of the prescription drugs in the world and spending so much on healthcare.

Cortisol is increased from stress. People are getting fat and miserable. The news media thrives on bad news… benefiting nobody. In reality a year’s worth of rain could be good thing. Especially because of the “1200 year drought “

They’ve done studies. People are more likely to watch/read bad news. It’s why we see so much of it. The news gives people what they will watch/read the most, since it increases their ad revenue. The real question is why are Americans this way and other countries aren’t? A lot of people act like there’s a certain nobility in being miserable.