Climate Change

Long piece on all the fraud involved in the global warming hoax.

Pouring Ice Into Concrete: Builders Adapt to Extreme Heat Engineers and architects seek solutions as climate warms

Turns out solar panels aren’t as nonpolluting as they’ve been made out to be.
Lots of other interesting stories on this site - like renewables killing protected species all over the US; everything from tortoises to cranes to whales.

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NoI surprising. Anyhoo, recently, many solar panel companies are pushing solar panels in my neighborhood touting great savings in electricity bill. I told them, those savings are not enough… anyhoo, my reason for not wanting solar panels is aesthetic and don’t believe it can survive the huge change in temp here. Roof typically need to be replaced in 10-15 years even though they are rated at 25 years. We buy the basic ones… premium ones are not worth it since they are just as easily damage as the basic ones. If I’m not wrong, breakeven for solar panel is 20+ years… utilities also limit how much you can see electricity back.

As I’ve mentioned previously my system in the desert wasn’t really worth it. Total return with depreciation considered is 2-3% annually and that doesn’t factor in any roof problems the panels might cause. That could easily turn the whole proposition negative. Municipal bonds would have been an easier and better investment.
Solar only makes sense if you have a huge home and massive usage. The technology just doesn’t deliver at small scale.


I have a huge home but meagre usage.

It’s so hot in Phoenix even the cactuses are dying.

Currently clocking in at 6 standard deviations above past average. Not good very bad.

Another example of why Phoenix is a dump. And getting dumpier. Avoid it.

Following down path of Californian cities?

Yep. Too many CA transplants; too much CA “tolerance.”

Probably nothing.

I’m just going to sit over here laughing. The carbon emission from the Canada fires and Ukraine war exceed the carbon emissions for all cars in the US. The US is only 15% of WW carbon emissions and our carbon emissions peaked in 2007.


Welcome back @marcus335 . Thought you got tired of talking to the same 5 people and were gone for good.



Siemens, a global engineering powerhouse, is losing its shirt on windmills which should be simple.

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Soaring costs threaten offshore wind farm projects

This is what we could do with 80’s technology before all the regulations.

Only problem was… it was a piece of crap… like the Chevy Chevette

The kids are alright. Even in Montana.

Judge sides with youth in Montana climate change trial, finds two laws unconstitutional