Climate Change

I asked ChatGPT.

is it true that No one has proved causation between CO2 and temperature yet?


The statement that “no one has proved causation between CO2 and temperature yet” is not accurate. There is a strong scientific consensus that carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from human activities are a major driver of global warming and climate change. This consensus is supported by a large body of scientific research and evidence.

The basic science behind the link between CO2 and temperature is well-established and has been understood for over a century. Here’s a brief overview of the evidence:

  1. The Greenhouse Effect: CO2 is a greenhouse gas, which means it has the property of trapping heat in the Earth’s atmosphere. This is not a disputed fact; it’s basic physics. The greenhouse effect is a natural process that keeps our planet’s temperature within a range suitable for life.
  2. Historical Data: Scientists have analyzed ice cores, tree rings, and other records to reconstruct past climate changes. These records show a strong correlation between atmospheric CO2 levels and global temperatures over hundreds of thousands of years.
  3. Climate Models: Climate models, which are based on fundamental physical principles and include the effects of greenhouse gases like CO2, can accurately reproduce observed temperature trends when historical CO2 levels are taken into account. This further supports the causal link between CO2 and temperature.
  4. Direct Measurements: There is a wealth of direct measurements of CO2 levels in the atmosphere, which have been steadily increasing since the industrial revolution, primarily due to the burning of fossil fuels. The increase in CO2 concentrations closely tracks the rise in global temperatures.
  5. Attribution Studies: Climate scientists use statistical methods and computer models to assess the contribution of various factors to observed temperature changes. These attribution studies consistently find that human activities, particularly the emission of CO2, are the dominant drivers of recent global warming.

While science is always subject to ongoing research and refinement, the evidence supporting the causal relationship between CO2 emissions and rising global temperatures is robust and widely accepted within the scientific community. It’s important to rely on credible scientific sources and peer-reviewed research when evaluating climate-related claims.

And…nothing about the saturation effect.
Shows the dangers of relying on AI - which has already ruined many a career.

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This will be the fat vs. sugar thing all over again.

You’re relying on sources all funded by the same agenda, so they aren’t actually separate sources. There’s literally nothing independent about their work. If they don’t say what’s wanted, then they don’t get more funding. They have to produce the result to keep their jobs.

In the 1970’s, they were predicting another ice age. That’s decades after cars were invented and over 2 centuries after the start of the industrial age. If this is all CO2 and human caused, then it would have started decades if not a full century earlier. I’ll take heat over another ice age. We can more easily survive heat.

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This one is not generated by AI. Some real scientists getting quoted inside.

Fact check: Global temperatures and atmospheric CO2 levels are correlated, contrary to claim

NASA scientist got funding from climate activists? British college professor too? Boy these climate activists surely have super deep pockets.

A simple lab experiment can be conducted to demonstrate the phenomenon, Josh Willis, a NASA climate scientist, previously told USA TODAY. In the experiment, two tanks, one filled with CO2 and one filled with oxygen, are exposed to radiation.

The tank with CO2 retains the most heat, he said.

“The theory and mathematics of radiation passing through gases are clearly defined,” Michael Roman, a planetary scientist at the University of Leicester, told USA TODAY in an email. The greenhouse effect has “been verified by laboratory experiments and meteorological observations.”

Who do you think funds government agencies and universities? Most of NASA is climate science now. If they come out and say, human impact on global warming is negligible and the earth will always have hot and cool cycles. Most of NASA would become unemployed. There’d be zero interest in funding the research. Researches need results that create fear to get funding.

US CO2 emissions peaked back in 2007. They keep going lower. It doesn’t appear to be helping. We might want to look at other causes.

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Loved the Alan Parsons Project breakthrough album in the 70’s “I Robot.”
“Like a mirror, stretched before me large as the sky is wide. And the image is reflected back to the other side.”
Seems appropriate.

What about other countries? What is the global CO2 emission?

There are other greenhouse gasses too. CO2 is only one of them.

Sorry. I don’t usually buy into conspiracy theories. My hurdle rate for that is very high. Current scientific consensus says climate change is real and due to human causes. I don’t have any reason to doubt it. If in the future the science gets updated I will change my belief. Again I won’t have any reason not to.

Heat index is BS… same with wind chill. The news media loves to scare people. Actually Kansas is 98 not 113

Your hurdle is actually very low. You blindly accept the fear-based propaganda that’s fed to you without thinking critically about it. I used to actually dig up old threads when the truth came out and consensus was wrong. People are either too embarrassed they were wrong or so emotional fragile that it’s a waste of time.

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Data has been presented and you come back with ChatGPT.
You ARE, in fact, buying into a conspiracy theory.

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The news media now just makes up shit. Hilary was going to be worse storm in SoCa history. First ever tropical storm… caused by global warming. It was all a lie… and none of these liars will be held accountable… it doesn’t fit into their narrative. It wasn’t a tropical storm when it hit US territory. The damage was minimal. The water is a godsend during our “1200 drought

No fatalities from Hilary were reported in the state, said Ferguson, who described the damage to residences and critical infrastructure as “very minimal.”

The winds in San Diego were 20mph. Tropical storm winds are over 50. Excessive rain in the desert causing flooding is always the case… the nature of living in the desert. Buy on high ground… not near an arroyo…

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I had to find a high spot to build my desert place on for this very reason.
Last week flash flooding messed up the last 6 miles of dirt road to the place. But unfortunately when I got there my place had gotten nothing. Two miles away 3-4" of rain; not a drop where I am. That’s the nature of rain in the desert. Hopefully I’ll get an intense cloudburst before monsoon season ends.

The climate change crowd talks about existential threat.
Meaning they believe climate change will threaten our very existence… yet they will not do what it takes to make us free of CO2…if this threat is real then why don’t we have a Manhattan project like in WW2. Build 50 nuclear power plants in five years. Will provide energy for all their pet projects. Will be a bridge till we have effective batteries to allow for solar and wind to take over…
This is obviously too logical. Instead we have constant handwringing whining finger pointing and useless attempts at trying to solve the climate crisis by other means.

Climate protestors at Burning Man. Popcorn and beer material.
Skip the first 3.5 minutes of histrionics and watch the rest. Those cops aren’t about to put up with any of it. And the chick with the hat just needs to be slapped.

Wildfire preparedness is now a “green job?”
Wow, AZ has a 10x “greener” economy than CA :slight_smile:

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Orsted’s $2.3 Billion Charge Exposes US Offshore Wind Woes

Here’s 1600 more cranks for you.

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