Come On, Some Of Us Are Probably Worth More

How high you can climb the corporate ladder depends on the company.

Angela Ahrendts, SVP Apple Retail graduated from Ball State University. Didn’t go to graduate school.
Jonathan Paul Ive, Chief Design Officer Apple graduated from Newcastle Polytechnic. DIdn’t go to graduate school.

For Alphabet, almost everybody in the leadership position graduated from the Stanford university. At least a Master, mostly MBAs or PhDs.

That is, for Apple, your experience and technical competency is very valued whereas in Google the college that you graduated from is more valued.

For worker bees, it’s nice to have a degree from a good college, not always true.

But you need no degrees to be an entrepreneur and become a billionaire. Many billionaires have no degree.

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Technically true, but just use the sports analogy. Yes, your son or daughter may grow up to be the next Steph Curry or Serena Williams but what are the odds of that? Very, very tiny. Same deal with getting an education or not. Statistics prove generally that higher incomes equate with more education attained. The fact is, those folks often mentioned who didn’t go to college, COULD HAVE, and would have done well or gotten degrees if they really wanted to. If anything, it is proven that the competition for work or anything is so intense and fierce these days that cheating in schools is up and of course the rise of the tiger moms. It def is not getting easier for young folks. Come on, just look at how difficult it is for millennials to break into the housing market? I bought my first property in my 20s out of college. Do you really think that is common these days?


Very common. Because most kids inherit properties and money these days. All my cousins stand to inherit (or have already done so) real estate in the BA. My brother owns 15 properties and he has 2 kids whom I’m sure will each inherit half of them.

Buying from scratch, not inheriting on the backs of one’s parents. Big difference, Sir…

Saying they didn’t have a degree is correct but is a superficial observation.
They went to colleges :grin:
Steve Jobs dropped out of Reed.
Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard.
Mark Zuckerberg dropped out of Harvard. H desperately gave him a degree recently.
Evan Spiegel dropped out of Stanford.

Which billionaires didn’t go to college?
Limit to those that born after WWII. Go too far you will find many don’t have degrees because there are no colleges then.


I don’t think going to college or not is necessary to be successful. Although it does help. It’s like, if you are born into a rich family, chances of you be successful is much more than if you were born into a poor family.

Geez, if you read carefully, I said those folks often mentioned who didn’t go to college…where do I say everyone didn’t go to college? The point is still that these people were smart enough that in spite of not going or earning a piece of paper they succeeded. Again, it’s a game of odds. Are you cats with the kids going to gamble and say no, don’t go to school you will be fine? Didn’t think so…

You can always home school… saves tuition!!!

Don’t do that. My lil sister is doing it and quite frankly while her kiddies are doing fine I still believe interaction with real, live people outside in the real world is a requirement in anyone’s upbringing. The last thing we want and need are future leaders who are shy and can’t interact in social settings. Donald Trump was probably home schooled…

First you need to get into Harvard or Stanford. Only then can we discuss whether you should drop out of school.


Steve jobs did not get into H, S

Only these two?

Trump isn’t shy by any stretch of the imagination. Do you really need school to socially interact with people? Hmm… i don’t know about that… where do kids interact with people besides school?

You guys with the pie in the sky dreams. Look, just get your kids into UC (which is the best bang for the buck around here) and have them major in engineering or some science. Civil war history is interesting, but don’t blame me if an employer is not exactly hiring for a historian…

And again, if Junior is not exactly college material, MAKE him learn a skill or trade. Not everyone is cut out for sorority girls and dorm life. A good plumber can and will earn more than a lot of college grads…

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He’s not shy per se but he is by no means a person who is able to bring people together as opposed to breaking them apart. A good leader leads and sets good examples for others and does not waste time on trivial matters such as twitter. Honestly, do you think he has time for that? My god, he has spent more time hiring/firing and putting out tampering allegations as opposed to doing real work for this country. Not impressed, one bit…

I believe the opposite. I think everyone is capable of going to college. People who are thought to be incapable are doing it wrong, have bad teachers or something. It’s not that hard.

Can everyone do well in graduate schools? I guess not. But college is really basic.

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Well, at least he got America out of the leadership role which might be a blessing in disguise (or not).

Britain got out of leadership role after WW1. Didn’t turn out that well for them I say…

It turned out well for them. Aren’t they a developed nation with high living standards?