Considering a house in San Bruno Portola - How’s the fog?

Dear Real Estate experts,

We have been considering my first home purchase and been looking at and around San Bruno. We found this nice home with a deck and yard facing toward Sweeney Ridge Trail and a valley between the mountain… We’re wondering if we’d be able to actually enjoy a bbq in the yard and an afternoon on the deck or whether we’ll be depressed by the fog/overcast every other day.

Does anyone here have knowledge on the matter? Best Regards.

Not familiar with the area. However, seeing occasional fog in the mountains is pretty nice – we enjoy the various level of fog covers on our mountain view. Occasional is the keyword though and agree that seeing overcast weather everyday is not nice. Best is to check with the neighbor and see how they feel / perceive.

If you believe in global warming, fog will become an asset, although it will mean your solar panels will be useless.

That part of SB can get quite foggy in the summer. Fall and winter should be clear if it’s not raining.

It has been a hot summer inland but I heard it has been very foggy in the Bay Fog zones. I personally hate fog. it definitely has a bad effect on RE values