Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 Covid-19

A lot of science ends up proven wrong later. You can’t call research unbiased when everyone involved has a career dependent on a specific outcome. They aren’t going to end their own career. Meanwhile, people pushing for carbon tax or cap and trade policies stand to make huge financial gains from those policies. If the planet was what they really cared about, then they’d be concerned with helping not profiting from a crisis they created by funding research. Just look at how cars are targeted while cruise ships pollute even more and get a free pass. If the planet was the concern, then we would go after the top causes first not pick and choose who to make a villain.

We allegedly had decades of research saying fat was evil, sugar is fine, and HFCS are no different than sugar. Now we know that’s all BS funded by lobbyists.

Stem cell is far safer and superior to existing treatment for many injury types. Why isn’t it FDA approved? It’s not because science says it doesn’t work. It’s because no one stands to profit from patents on it, so medical companies try to keep it hidden.

Cities claim there’s no climate risk when they sell bonds to investors. Then they turn around and file lawsuits against oil companies for climate damage. So which is it? It seems they pick and choose to believe what benefits them in the moment.


Let’s bring it back to the topic of this thread.

Are you saying the @140K deaths in 4 months in USA due to a hoax? and the 580K dead worldwide is a hoax too? :slight_smile:

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Haven’t read the article, however the headline+sub_headline is something that should have been the focus from day 1.

But if lawmakers still see the need to run the presses, they need to realize that the current economic crisis is public-health driven. As such, using ordinary fiscal tools might not be particularly efficacious. Put another way, the fact that people aren’t going on vacation probably has more to do with fear of getting sick than it does with their economic condition. Giving people a check, or some financial incentive to travel, won’t solve their problem. Make people feel safe to go back on an airplane or cruise ship, and they will of their own accord.

Any stimulus should be directed at the root cause of our recession: dealing with Covid. I know it isn’t popular to talk about in some Republican circles, but we still have a testing problem in this country. My son was tested recently; we had to wait 5 to 7 days for results. My daughter wanted to get tested before visiting her grandparents, but was told she didn’t qualify. That is simply inexcusable at this point in the pandemic.

No, but the scientists have contradicted themselves back and forth all over the place.

Then there’s the stick our heads in the sand over protests causing increases and blaming it in restaurants.

There’s also the discussion about Sweden where the dramatic drop in deaths is ignored. People cling to the beginning before people in nursing homes were protected.

There’s no one cares a handful of governors ordered nursing homes to accept COVID patients after hospital discharge. Meanwhile, over 50% of deaths in those states are from nursing home patients.

I don’t buy for one second that a large number of people care at all about truth or science.

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Well the scientists are also learning about the virus

No they do care about politics, however that’s on both sides.

FYI, Currently more republican states are getting into lockdown and advising facemasks.(I didn’t want this to get political)

Personally, I don’t get the people who object to face mask and say it violates the constitution. It’s debatable if the president could mandate it. However, it falls under the power of most governors. I see it as a minor inconvenience. If it saves lives and keeps businesses open, then it’s definitely worth doing. I have no idea why some people are so against it. It’s about as logical as saying protests didn’t cause the increases. Both are ignorant.

Your cherry picked around the protests and Sweden.

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I have lot of comments on protests in earlier posts. So, I’m clear on those, hence I didn’t repeat it.i.e. there was no cherry picking.

Let me know if you want me to repeat my comments on protests.

As far as Sweden I’ll study the matter and respond later.

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Because correlation always implies causation? What else happened in May? Oh I know. Most states, including a large chunk of California reopened. Weather is getting unbearably hot in many parts of the south and the west and many stay in air conditioned indoor. People got lockdown fatigue and lowered their guards.

But somehow all these have nothing to do with the spread of virus and It’s all due to protests? I am open minded about protests added to the spread but the number of protestors is so small compared to normal people just going about their day to day, it doesn’t calculate to be the major vector. Not to mention non protestors tend to avoid protest areas so it has an opposite mitigating effect.

Like I mentioned way up in the thread, to pinpoint causes you need to also study locales that have virus spikes but low protest volume, and places with lots of protests but no spikes. You can’t just look at places with lots of protests and case spikes.

Yes. (OK. Seriously, there were cases and death before the protests, so I don’t know why “all” was added to the question above)

Looks like De Blasio below has something to hide?

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It’s somehow political taboo to criticize protestors in any shape or form among some liberal politicians. I get it. That sucks. But note that De Blasio actually got lower marks than Cuomo in their Covid response.

The word “all” is added because that’s all @marcus335 complained about in this thread. It seems to me he’s just blaming the resurgence of Covid all on the protests and nothing else. If I am mistaken let me know.

Here’s the charts on case counts in three states: Arizona, Massachusetts and NYS. AZ and MA have about the same population, around 7M, NYS has 19M. If protests were the main driver of cases, are you telling me there were many more protests in Arizona, a red state, than in MA and NY?

CA back to lockdown, kind of.

California to close indoor restaurants, movie theaters and bars statewide as coronavirus cases rise

Schools in LA and SD will be closed. Don’t think NorCal schools will reopen either. Remember Newsom once said schools may reopen early in July for students to catch up? Good time.

You continue to look at state data and ignore county data. There’s a reason some counties have sky rocketed while most are pretty flat. I posted the county data for Florida above and Miami-Dade is through the roof. Guess where in Florida had the most protests?

Incubation period of Covid is under a week from exposure to sickness. Restaurants were open almost a full month and cases were still declining. Protests erupt and a week later in those counties cases sky rocket.

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That’s what’s called motivated reasoning. Seizing on one piece of information that confirms your biases and turns a blind eye to everything else.


If it was restaurants, then it’d be the whole state.

I looked at county data for Texas and Florida. There’s literally only a few in each state with big spikes. They are all where protests were big. I’m not sure where these case spikes without are. Which counties? Which county had big protests but no spike?

How many protested in Arizona vs in MA? 10x more?

Are there still massive protests in AZ but not in MA? How come case count in AZ is shooting thru the roof but in MA they have been sinking like a rock since late April?


vs Phoenix:

Here is SF. I am quite sure there were more protests here than in Phoenix:

You might want to google Phoenix protests and read.

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I was surprised to see LA Mayor admit the obvious having witnessed the social distancing practiced by the protesters/looters.