The issue is the asymptomatic or relatively asymptomatic patients. A five year old going to school with a cough could spread it to 100s of other children and subsequently their families. We need to be testing individuals with mild symptoms to shut this down. These people are unlikely to self quarantine without a confirmed positive.
Give us accurate growth numbers. Thereâs a difference between 80 cases and 8000 cases. Beause in two weeks with no change in behavior, itâd be 800 vs. 80000 cases.
Also Johnâs Hopkins update states COVID-19 can be contagious for longer than 14 days.
Also would change whether family members should self-isolate. (To be clear, a lot of kids around me are getting colds, and the families are saying itâs not COVID-19 because the kids werenât exposed. How do we know???)
(From Johnâs Hopkins daily email) CLINICAL COURSE OF COVID-19 A study published on March 11 in The Lancet provides analysis of the progression of the COVID-19 disease in survivors and non-survivors. The study involved 191 hospitalized COVID-19 patients (54 deaths, 137 discharged) in Wuhan, China. Notably, the study describes the timing of various aspects of disease progression in hospitalized patients, including the time from first symptom onset to the onset of various symptoms/conditions, including dyspnoea, sepsis, and ARDS as well as their duration. The article also reports the time to and duration of ICU admission. The study found an increase in the odds of death with increased age, and the mean duration of viral shedding was 20 days from symptom onset in survivors and continuously until death in non-survivors (maximum duration: 37 days). The study found no evidence that antiviral treatment reduces the duration of viral shedding.
Weâve already changed behavior, so why does it matter? Every sport has shutdown. Any large gatherings are shutdown. Schools are closed. Companies are having employees work from home. What additional action would there be to take?
Guidance is already anyone with symptoms should isolate.