This is nice Monta Vista area. I remember someone was looking to buy and build. Grab this opportunity.
All the three top schools are walk-able distance !
Excellent opportunity for Developer, Investor, and Homeowner to start fresh with a blank canvas | Great upside potential for anyone who wants to remodel, rebuild, or redesign a custom home | Rectangular lot, approximately 100 ft deep by 54 ft wide | Rare one-story home located in one of the most desirable neighborhoods in Silicon Valley | Cute 1 bedroom 1 bathroom | Close proximity to Cupertino Main Street, Cupertino Sports Center, and Deep Cliff Golf Course | Quick access to New Apple campus, Blackberry Farm, McClellan Ranch, and Memorial Park | A stone throw to school, post office, restaurant, supermarket, and most high-tech corporations | Award-winning Cupertino schools: Lincoln Elementary, Kennedy Middle, and Monta Vista High | 396SF Bungalow with 660SF finished Patio Room 5,400SF flat park-like lot. The current structure does not have a kitchen.
Doesn’t meet many of my criteria. For example, no sidewalk. Without a sidewalk and a row of bushes/trees (total two rows), the area feels low end. Both of my SFHs have that, the road is about 6-car wide even though is a normal two way road and the distance between two neighboring SFH is 15 feet.
It’s close to De Anza college, a plus. I think sidewalk is important for this location. Without sidewalk, it’s a car only neighborhood, not appealing.
Wow, for that kind of money you can probably buy a decent house in Moreland school neighborhoods. or buy a fixer for much less. And you can probably get better rate of return from that.
I’ve never studied the process and cost to build a new house. I have a big lot in a location whether city may allow to build another house, but I still wonders whether it is worth the long process and so much hassles. If build a new house, it might make sense to sell as detached condo. Not sure if it’s worth the trouble and money to build new to rent it out. Eventually I think I may sell the units as condos since multi family is worth less.
It’s much easier to buy a fixer and fix it up. Build new is much more complicated and more uncertain.
We compare Cupertino prices with what we have got the home, but not with current price/rate. We are unable to accept 1.3M and we agree the Moreland Homes price range.
Here you go, this has become redfin hot home. This means multiple bidding will be there and minimum price is 1.37M or more. I can easily expect 3 - 5 offers, mostly from investors/Builders who wants to buy, build and sell.
They aim to make $250/home putting their resources, work for an year.
This is like saying if I tell AAPL stocks is good, it does not mean AMZN or GOOGL are bad.
I do publish good homes which I do not have interest in bidding, but worth reviewing. There are reasons for me not to bid outside of comfort. Even in my area of comfort, I may not bid few homes as I may not be eligible to buy or too much money required to bid.
For this specific Cupertino home, I can definitely bid, but eventually lose with cash buyers/investors.I do not want to bid a home where I have least chances to win !
I already said it is beyond my range to make it positive, definitely $2M required before bidding this.
If I have such $2M, I would not have posted here ! satisfied?
Bryne and Orange Ave are the two roads I use to go/ leave Monta Vista. Because there are no sidewalks, kids compete with cars and many parents drop their kids along those roads, blocking the traffic.
This is common issue for many schools. That is why 25 mph speed limit and police is always there to give tickets during school time ! I always note police car permanently parked near by schools, esp high schools at Cupertino schools.
Some people prefer school roads and some do not prefer. This one is very near to all three schools, so no extra transport is required.
IMO, many likes to have this location. Let us wait and see how much final price it goes now.
Wait… why not do it yourself? It’s more fun that way! I already owned many rentals when I was working full time in IT in the South Bay. And my rentals are more than an hour away! So really there’s no excuse. Except that you hated the hassle.