Demographics Are Destiny

This article argues the millennial buyers will lift up the housing market for years to come.


This week the U.S. Census released some new population that help drive home this point. They break down the U.S. population by age so I calculated the most populated ages in both 2010 and 2020:

Every single age in the top 10 in 2020 fell in the range of 25 to 35. It just so happens most people set out on their homebuying journey in their late-20s or early-30s. The millennials are taking over.

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Tom Lee of face-ripper fame predicts S&P will go 5X by 2038 as Millennials drive the US economy to new heights.


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I thought an aging population was deflationary. Now millennials hitting prime consumption years is going to create a boom.


No new insights. We knew already.

It is. Booming market and low inflation are not contradictory.

The author should mention the chart. It says S&P would go into a bear market prior to the peak in 2038.

Did you look at the chart?

Yeah, I of course looked at the chart. You like the prospect of another 20% declines?

You should write to the journalist or Tom Lee. What is actually being said. The chart and what he is reported to say is inconsistent.

Face ripper copycat.