Well we can’t tax our way to solvency and there’s no political will to make substantive spending cuts so growing our way out or inflating our way out are the only real options.


Turns out it’s not rocket science after all :slight_smile:
Even the CBO admits things are out of control.

I am not aware of any fraud the DOGE team has uncovered.

What have been randomly tossed around are legit government programs Congress has explicitly funded, but Musk disagrees with on ideological ground.

That’s not the definition of fraud.

I’d caution against taking anything a drug addict said at full face value.

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Lied about condom and Gaza

Free speech champion strikes again!

Would love to see proofs of those.

Again, I won’t blindly put my trust on a serial liar and drug addict.

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Refer to previous post.

How many of these people are collecting SS payment? Musk with his 250 IQ points can’t cross reference the transaction tables to show which of these dead people are collecting payment?

In fact, this database cleanness problem was raised by the Inspector General back in 2015. Only 13 dead people were found still collecting payments, but it will cost almost 10m to clean the db, so they didn’t bother.

This Twitter thread goes over the DOGE “savings” and it’s comedy gold.

Half of the savings came from misreading 8M as 8B.

I am sure my middle schooler will do a better job than these “geniuses”.


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It’s now on NYT.

DOGE is either

1: idiots
2: frauds.

Actually they two options are not mutually exclusive.

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The US isn’t the only country toying with the idea of adding crypto to foreign currencies and gold as a place to stash reserves but yeah, I think it’s a bad idea.