Economic case for open borders

Well the people in the sex industry do that… Sex work is semi legal in Singapore in that it’s regulated and you can get a visa to come in to work as long as you stay in certain districts, etc…

Good. Let’s keep it that way. :smile:

Not 3 or more strokes and prison in the only open border country in the world?


Truth is harder to find in the media

Did I ever say SG has open borders? :man_facepalming:

I think I have said it 3 times already.

I wish everyone has the reading level of @harriet

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You did not. But media did.

Don’t trust media, too much fake news and misleading paragraphs.

Both non-Singaporean readers thought that this article says that Singapore has an open border.

Here is the first paragraph from media, not from manch. @harriet, can you explain this to us?

“Around the world, politicians are clamoring to shut down their borders and tighten control of immigration. But the tiny island of Singapore—a rich, thriving, financial hub—has opened its doors to migrants”.


That is pre-Trump. Give Trump one more term :scream:

Trump won’t be able to change. We have sanctuary state and cities

Dang Screamer-in-Chief, so many good words from you lately that I am a little bit startled :slight_smile: When are you coming out so I can treat you to lunch at Cafe Orchid or dim sum at Riverside? No DB yet because I am just a small fry.

“Opening doors to migrants” doesn’t mean open borders, which means come and go as you please. That just means one can apply visa to work and stay in SG and SG government generally welcomes that.

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Apparently it’s national @harriet appreciation day today. :smile:

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You titled this thread to “open borders”. They said “open doors to migrants”, you said “open borders”.

They contrast “open borders to migrants” to the tightening immigration policies on other countries.

A lot of misleading :joy: media is supper duper in their skills to mislead. Media treats all of us as dumbasses


In the video an economist made the case for open borders, but the reporter brought up some real world challenges to this utopia vision. It’s set in Singapore because there are many migrants there in a small city.

I like a more liberal immigration policy. Much more liberal. Guess I am the only one on this forum. But I acknowledge open borders is not compatible with a welfare state.

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Open border does not exist. No amount of misleading media report can achieve that. I’m deeply sorry to pop the bubble for you :star_struck:

I tolerate lies but there is simply too much in the media. I can stand Manch all day long but media can’t do this because misleading millions of people is very dangerous and it can tear apart a great country and a wonderful world. 95% of the population will be successfully misled by media.

Misleading media is the reason we need to vote on this stupid Prop 10. Vote No early :joy:

In order to defeat the misleading media, we have to vote No on Prop 10 :japanese_goblin:

I was in Singapore in 1986. Great food but nothing to do as a tourist. We waited in line at immigration control behind migrant workers from India. Each one had show they had $100, I guess to prove they money to leave?

Not living in the past again :cry: 22 years ago?

Name the tourist attractions. It is a business destination like most big cities.

Get rid of all the social programs and I’d be a lot more supportive of open borders. Even now I’m all for bringing in highly skilled workers. We should get rid of quotas for highly skilled people and give a green card to anyone with a STEM degree from a US university.

It’s interesting. I was talking about it the other day. People think globalization mostly impacted low skill workers, since their jobs went to foreign countries. It impacts high skill workers, because we have to compete against a lot of immigrants. It hasn’t hurt our pay, since there’s still a shortage.


Exactly, that’s obvious but media keeps ignoring it. Illegal immigration affects democrats and H1B quotas helps more republicans. Trump’s policy would benefit more democratic voters.

Sometimes I think people are mostly stupid and media can manipulate and control the people easily.

Democratic Party wants open borders for low skill workers to further depress low wage earners. On the other hand, they make it hard for foreign doctors, lawyers, nurses and teachers to come here to protect higher end jobs. That’s why Obama is against illegal immigration but his voice was silenced by powerful groups.

Teachers would be willing to strike to get raises but they would teach their students to support illegal immigration so that teachers can buy cheap food and hire cheap gardeners.

No quotas for undocumented restaurant workers, quota for engineers, zero quota for lawyers and zero quota for doctors. WTF

What is the economic case for Biden to do below, ofc assuming the report is accurate.