I am exhausted!
This morning, it was about 2:30 in the morning, my famous alarm Skipper and now our new addition Sneakers, started barking and they woke me up a bit. They do that sometimes, but this morning besides their scratching their cages or the other barking, I heard the mumble jumble of people in a multitude talking. I peered through the blinds, and the few hairs I have left on my head stood up. Out there, on the street, I witnessed what I counted with my inexpert eyes, tens of youngster walking, running, yelling come here, no! go there, ones pushing the others to walk away from a point to my right hand side I couldn’t see, and some others running away. My wife woke up too and joined me. Fearing for anything serious, dangerous, and recalling the incident on Bart in Oakland or Sacramento, I called 9-11.
That’s when things got interesting. I was interrogated if I was sure they weren’t having a party. If I could see if they were armed. Were they intoxicated? If this, and if that. I told the operator to please send at least a unit not to check up on them but to control the mob. As I was begging, I see tens of teenagers, they seemed to me to be of that age, it was dark, I was trying to not be seen, and they were coming out of a house that sold 2 months ago but was in special renovation, small stuff to be changed.
That’s when I begged the operator to put a priority on sending units. She still asked me a few questions of where they were, where they were going, age, any cars, etc. Somehow, the rascals got a wind of the police coming by and I saw them running away. That’s when I got scared because I could see more than 50 youngster, a few cars among them. Dang! I said, if they grabbed my car, and turned it upside down, I wouldn’t have any recourse but swallow my pride and see them doing whatever. I have a baseball bat at my reach, and believe me, I was ready. Rambo would have been proud of me…dying for nothing!
Cops finally arrived 10 minutes after I called for help, 98% of them rascals were gone. I saw a sheriff patrol unit and the regular police force. Final outcome? One kid was taken to the hospital in an ambulance. I don’t know age or what, I just saw a bandage on his head. The house? Well, while the patrol units were around with their emergency lights on, I saw the inside lights of the house turning on, of course after the cops took an eternity to make sure it was safe to get in. When I saw the lights on, that’s when I knew they had found any door broken, the only way they could have went in. This afternoon when I returned from my office, there was one sheet of plywood on the front door. I just know they must have done something awful inside that home. Just when the new owners were about to move in. Allegedly they were moving in next Monday.
Now, I hope this is not unique to my area, I’ve never seen so many youngsters together at this early time in the morning. I blame this on so many irresponsible parents out there. Were they lower class youngsters? I saw couple of very luxurious cars, you know, the ones they use to play fast and furious. One of them was a big and luxurious suv.
It can happen to you any time. If you see more than 10 youngsters or people gathering all the sudden, start grabbing the phone and dialing 9-11. Better to be wrong than sorry. If you let them get speed, nothing will stop them, and when police shows up, they may find your property vandalized. I was prompt to call the police for help, but it seems my priorities weren’t on their list.