FOMOing about buying a house, not only in Bay Area, but in Idaho too (copied from Reddit)!

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Idaho is dirt cheap. We really do live in a bubble here in BA.


I’ve met very few single people who see owning a home as a positive in their life. It’s not until marriage or sometimes not until having kids that they want to buy. They really put themselves behind financially (especially in the Bay Area).


Why are people sweating over a 200k purchase. That’s like half the down payment for a typical house in BA.

And the person is making 100k a year, in his/her 30s! Most people fail to learn basic financial planning. No wonder most have next to zero retirement savings.


Because you live in a bubble, you failed to understand the mentality of people who live outside.

Sane financial planning is the best bubble.

With 50k down payment, 40k investable assets, 12 month emergency funds, and houses in the 200k range, this guy should be buying multiple houses. One as primary and another duplex for investment. This guy is way too conservative.


There are a lot of people with a “one house per life” mentality.


whatever makes them happy. i want all the houses in the bay area, but will take whatever i can afford.

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and people with “I must pay down my house as soon as possible” mentality.


It’s not a bad thing really. If there are more people like us inventory will be more scarce.

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and we need them renters! :laughing:

thus california created rent control.