Ghost towns

Sorry for @manch

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Why sorry?

New Orleans, Miami, and Tampa, Florida had the highest vacancy rates, with 13.88%, 12.65%, and 12.15%, respectively. For those three cities, there are more than 600,000 empty housing units.

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Vacancy rates can mean a lot of different things. Tahoe has a very high vacancy rate because halt the home are second homes. In the Keys 67% are second or third homes… strange coincidence… very wealthy and very poor neighborhoods can have high vacancies…

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I’ve seen many stories with the vacancy data like this used to “prove” that a housing shortage is due to “foriegn investors” buying up properties here and sitting on them thus, cheating “Americans” out of available housing.

Usually the national numbers quoted are larger than the total, national homeless numbers also quoted. Which provides cover for the socialist types who pander to the idea that if we just took these homes from those “rich” and gave them to the homeless we’d have nirvana.

No considerations ever provided as to the reasons for the lack of occupancy from the census surveys which can include: They aren’t habitable. They’re second homes. They’re in transition to new owners. They’re currently for sale. They’re slated for redevelopment. Etc. Because that would defeat the narrative used.



Replacing “Americans” with any nationality eg Singaporeans, above comment is still valid.


Let’s just blame Bezos and Gates. They own how many homes each?