Help For Bay Area Teachers

Is this the answer that can help teachers stay closer to their students???

Another price run for MV :slight_smile: since increased demand for RE.

Which neighborhood would you recommend?


To tackle house price inflation, the solution is to increase supply not increase demand. Econ 101.


How about this, has a long term value.

Why are teachers such special snowflakes? What about the rest of us?

Geez. This currently popular fad of coming up with societal subsidization of the public employee de jour is driving me crazy. Cops, firefighters, teachers. Comparatively some of the highest earners in total compensation in most communities. What’s next? The dog catchers?

In the private sector, the employer simply pays more for the employee to work in a high cost location to attract them. Take oh, the entire SV for instance. :confounded: Or the employer moves their location if they want to cut the competition for employees down.

These individuals may fall below the income levels of the residents in certain exclusive areas,

I’m going to get that Orinda house at a subsidized price yet! After all, I found the housing there to be nearly impossible for me to buy. And hey, I’m just a regular Joe. It isn’t fair. :cry:

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Interesting idea, but not sure if I am missing something. But is the problem really downpayment? Even if teachers get top-up for down payment, will they actually be able to cover the mortgage? For 1.5M to 2M houses, it will be a huge mortgage and property tax to cover.

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I know a “poor” retired teacher in the BA. I frequently break bread with him. He’s 69 years old and been retired or at least ten years.

He recently revealed to me that his STRS retirement is $85,000 per year plus health care for life.

Not nearly as bad as the “poor teacher” image being portrayed.


They are referring to the younger teachers.

In my district, “lifetime” medical was lost in 2010. I think teachers should NOT get subsidized housing, they should instead put that money toward fair wages, so that teachers are able to buy a house reasonably close to work.

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Sorry, that 249 address won’t cut it for us superstitious Asian (yes, redundant) buyers… May be able to get a deal then if you cut us out of the equation…

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Because they are severely underpaid depending on the school and district. I posted, I think before you came on, about being asked to apply for a position. I was told I could have the schedule I needed to deal with multiple dropoffs, but honestly the salary was a real no-go. I probably could make as much starting up a business in the first year. ugh. In fact, now I wonder why anyone with a Masters or PHD even bothers. $3K more for each of those degrees? What a laugh.

My understanding is that cops are paid way better.

It’s a market economy. If we cannot find qualified teachers and good schools, then city and tax payer have to pay higher wages to get good teachers. On the other hand, if we can hire good teachers today, then there is no need to have extra incentive. It would be easier to address the issue, then to go thru this startup. Obviously the startup has an angle and they are going to get make money (“for a share of the future appreciation in the value of the property”).

And teachers pay do vary by city. Per that article, MV high school district avg pay is $113k. In my city, I read that avg pay (for all grades combined) is around $100k. Those are good salaries.


And as far as I know once, one completes 2 years the job is almost permanent? Also, great retirement benefits I believe.

I think public employees like teachers should pay social security and have 401ks like the rest of the working class.

Teachers get paid various amounts based on education level and time teaching. They have good benefits and good pensions.

One day I read in the local paper that the fire chief got a substantial raise. He retired about a year later. His pension was based on his last salary and was over $150k plus benefits. It’s a game that the top dogs play.

Last week while at the hospital with hubby there were a bunch of cops there as one of the motorcycle cops were involved in an accident. I was in line with them buying food for hubby. I told the cashier I was paying for them and they said no, they get paid enough and it was against the rules. I got lots of hugs.

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Or they’ll just hire substandard ones.

The pay varies widely depending on type of school and location. RWC and MP are probably $20K difference for same experience.

Hello, new poster here. I happen to be a teacher with experience in drastically different environments.

As has been mentioned, the pay and benefits teachers receive varies wildly depending on the district. At my former school, I started off making 50K about 6 years ago…by year 5, I was at ~70k (which wasn’t bad for the area). However, there were ZERO health benefits. At the time, that was fine, I just didn’t go to the doctor. However, once we had a child, I knew I had to switch after looking at the chart and discovering that our district would charge over $1700/month for a family of 3!

At my current district, new teachers start about 20K higher, and the benefits are much better as well. I guess I just wanted to point out that the “great benefits” teachers receive aren’t so great in many cases (in fact, many districts in the East Bay don’t cover health care at all…)


I think some of teachers’ benefits are kind of “hidden”. For example, I heard it’s very difficult to fire a teacher for performance reason. So it’s difficult for good, young teachers to get ahead. I’d love to pay teachers more. A ton more. But I think we also need to infuse more performance metrics in teachers’ evaluations. To make sure the great ones are retained and promoted, while we get rid of the not-so-good ones.

It’s called pension spiking. Not just top dogs have done it. It’s effectively been outlawed but there are other games that can still be played with a defined benefit plan like these.

Have you ever read Borenstien’s columns in the paper about the public pension system? It’s an unrecorded liability monster, backed by the taxpayers, that will likely swallow us in the next few years. In many cities for instance, half of their operating costs are going to public employee pensions these days and it’s growing.

But no one wants to deal with it. It’s the third rail of CA politics these days.

Your right about the need to get the public employees on the same playing field as everyone else. The pols too. Then we might be able to have a rational conversation. And we need to make the salary & benefits studies that are so often used as a basis for the salaries paid to public employees need to be comparisons of all, local wages. What a firefighter makes in Hayward has no bearing on what a firefighter in Oakley should be making. If a firefighter in Oakley says s/he can get more money in Hayward, then I say go for it and you’ll just love the commute.

They’d be living like the rest of us and the RE activity would reflect it.

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Welcome back! We can see the bears didn’t eat you. :slight_smile:

You can pay teachers more. Start a private school that attracts top teaching talent with higher pay.

Oh, wait. The state and the teachers union have a monopoly on education and they won’t let you do that. At least not without their interference. No competition allowed. :confused:

Maybe GM should put Tesla out of business using the government?

Thanks for putting up with today’s entitled monsters and attempting to educate them! I wouldn’t take your job at twice your pay! :sweat:

Talk to your union. That’s why you pay dues.

By the way, for all the techies here, how many tech companies are offering benefits like health care and, if they do, at what percentage of the total cost? We often hear of great salaries but, as I mentioned in another post, it’s total compensation one should be looking at. Not just wages.