How do you find area real estate expert?

How do you find which realtor are active / experts in certain area? I am doing unscientific way of checking who are the listing agent.

I’d go on Zillow and see which one’s ad is on top. Key in an address in that area and see.

The theory is that agents who can afford to bid the first few ad spots have the most business, thus they are the area expert.

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Zillow will sell as many ad spots as it can…Being on zillow is no measure of an agents value

I thought this guy was THE real estate expert for all areas. :slight_smile: The hair says it all…

One thing Stanley has done that a lot of others haven’t is create a brand and a large book of business.

Yeah, I know other realtors HATE him with a passion and it may be his lowballing on the commissions but hey he is the king around these parts. We recently saw the figures and by far Mr. Lo was the big wig (no pun intended).

He is infamous for not allowing other agents on to his listings…Dual agency is his mantra, that is why other agents hate him…He is a total character. .His son Max and the rest of the family are all involved. …

I heard of Stanley Lo before, probably on this forum. Cannot forget that hair and look.

I just open the link and read the details. He offers 3.68% commission. How is that split with buyer agent? 50/50? If buyer agent only gets 50% of 3.68%, which is 1.84%, then that is quite turn off for buyer agent.

Then on the OP’, I had good experience with finding good realtors on LinkedIn. Look for ones with many (50-100+) reviews.

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Interesting. I have never tried that before. Do they list which area they specialize? Most of the time, I find agents claim they specialized the whole Penisula or South Bay for example.

I think the good realtors are busy and they will focus on select area. But it depends on the realtor, what they write in their profile. I searched LinkedIn using city name, and that is how I found my last realtor.

On LinkedIn, the reviews are not anonymous, so people won’t leave review unless they really believe in what they are saying. On the other hand, you won’t get any negative reviews. So if someone is able to get 50+ reviews, they are doing something right.

I’d just look at number of deals closed. That’s more objective than client testimonials, which can be faked. On Zillow you can see how many deals a realtor has closed in the past. I remember they even show you a map of where the deals are.

Buying the top ad spot on Zillow is expensive. The agents need to be grossing at a certain level to justify the ad spend.

Makes sense. I wonder whether this and Zillow can intercept :slight_smile:

Yea, playing with that right now.

Or he’s got good seed capital

Didn’t we have a taste of that guy in the other forum? Kind of racist, wannabe I know it all, you are Mexican so you serve me type of guy? I may be wrong, that’s all I remember.