How I got wealthy without working too hard


  • Don’t do a startup.
  • Specialise in something that every company likes a lot. Avoid niche tech, go for huge popular things (eg. AWS, JS, Python, React).
  • Take a $ 500-1000 / day, full-remote job (If you don’t know how to find them, there’s a chapter about it).
  • Don’t live in big cities (go for smaller, more liveable towns).
  • Leave any job that requires too much work or too many meetings. Meetings are the mind-killer. You’ll quickly find another gig because you specialized.
  • Take 2 months for holidays in-between contracts.
  • Do this for 7 years while investing most of your salary in a diversified portfolio. Don’t go too crazy with Crypto.

I like his way of looking at money, as a way to procrastinate if you don’t know what to do with life:

So when we don’t know what to do, we focus on making more money, assuming we are going to figure out what to do with it later.

When making life decisions, going in the direction of more money can be wise. However, we must keep in mind that when we choose money, we don’t choose much . We just decide to decide later.


How wealthy can one get doing this. His investing philosophy opts for mediocrity since he’s doing a “diversified portfolio”. To become wealthy, one would need to do the exact opposite.

I guess he’s “wealthy” by his own standard. Even though he may not be money-wealthy, but he should be pretty wealthy in time and in lack of stress.


His approach is :-1:

My approach is :+1:
Retire, laze around, do what you want, play video games, watch TV serials, trade speculative stocks, do gardening, dining out, vacationing, walk around, blogging, chatting with neighbors, … do whatever you like. Someone up will appreciate that you love life and give the necessary money for you to lead that life.

Work is :-1: We born in this world is not for the purpose of work! We should just live.


“My personal mantra is: “try to get 80% of the reward with 20% of the work”.”

I think this sums up well his attitude toward work. If you don’t truly enjoy the work that you do, and you have no ambition to get to a higher level, his system makes a lot of sense and is quite efficient in getting ahead of his peers.


Gardening is no fun. Hire a gardener instead.


Heavy lifting, get a professional. Just do those simple ones like deadheading :slight_smile:

I only pick fruit from the fruit trees as a hobby :laughing:

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My main joy of gardening is to just look at the plants and trees grow :slight_smile: I look at them once a day.


Gardening is the number one hobby in America. Based on the mistaken notion that you get free food from the deal. Home grown food costs ten time store bought. And that is counting your labor at zero. The problem these days is yard maintenance people are expensive and hard to find. In the good old days you paid a neighbor kid $5 to mow the lawn. Now services charge hundreds and barely do anything.

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Love gardening. Was president of the local garden club before I left CA. I’ve gardened in redwoods. in Niles canyon and now in upland desert. All are doable; all are special.
Then there’s the reptile breeding. Finally making money. Turns out I’m the only breeder of Baron’s Racers in all of Arizona. Next year my holdbacks from 2019 will be up and running and my production will double. Got lucky on my originals back in 2014; greens which turned out to be heterozygous for what is now the highly sought-after blue color.
Right now I’m killing time before the Phoenix Reptile Expo opens. 500-1000 people about to cram shoulder to shoulder into a single convention center hall and no one wearing a mask :slight_smile:

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It’s good that you finally get around to talk about something else other than cussing Tsla and bitcoin.


I have a backyard kitchen garden with a variety of plants. What we have found is that it makes most sense to focus on different herbs. The big veggies and fruits are best bought in a store, but herbs like rosemary, coriander, various green chilies etc are well suited to be grown in the backyard and accessed upon need when we are cooking.


The great thing about being old. I can cuss about anything I want. Pretty funny since I own a farm and several other gardens. Just paid $1500 to cut down 4 trees. Damm it
10 years ago I would have done it myself


Removing the roots is pretty tough especially in rocky ground… Austin is full of rocks. Anyhoo, I spent $300 to remove two trees killed by the freak snow storm and planted two very young trees (cost $60 from HD) in the original holes.

Definitely agree that focussing on herbs is a good start. Rosemary is a weed in CA. Mint as well.

I think fruit is the other place. Grapes especially.

Also, you can get free seeds from a lot of produce in the store.

Herbs are always good and they keep you from being lazy and just throwing seasoned salt on your food. Fresh beets dried any day. But some food crops are cheap and easy. Potatoes practically grow themselves; just give them good drainage. Tomatoes can be highly productive but unlike potatoes need good soil (most varieties anyway). But under the right conditions you can get huge yields. Need to get into canning to make the most of that though. Don’t bother with beefsteak. Useless flavorless things suitable only for a BLT made with Wonder bread, the cheapest Oscar Mayer bacon and iceberg lettuce slathered with Best Foods mayo.
Of course if you really need a hobby and want it to be a productive one there’s always beekeeping.

Love growing tomatoes. It’s so easy and they are productive.

Basically all summer and fall, I had tomatoes nonstop. They were delicious!
The fig tree this year produced lots of fruit too. Nature’s candy!