Indices & ETFs


Talking about re-bounces? Obviously there would be. For long LEAPS put, just add to long put with whatever spare money you have then at those rebounces.

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Even in 2008 the fall was @40% from top in 2007 to bottom in 2008 and that was a major financial crisis.

To me, if there is more than 30% drop in one year there will be bad effects on the overall economy and the government will not allow that to happen + 2022 is House+Senate elections.

Government and Fed are not omnipotent.


We will all find out. 57% fall even for an untrained mind in trading like me, can see that it will challenge WUs credibility.


Targets are only a guide, donā€™t be like @manch so fixated on concrete price targets and time. You have a price target but you need to continue to monitor the price actions. If it is not what you expect, be flexible, change if necessary. No need to be stubborn to keep your ā€œcredibilityā€, your pocket is more important :slight_smile:

I donā€™t follow social media for my investment decisions :wink:


Time has changed. Many people who are much more knowledgeable, experienced and skillful than us are willing to share for free :slight_smile: @pastora made huge sums of money checking them out. Panda was introduced by him here, Panda is fairly accurate during bear marketā€¦ not very reliable for bull market. Indices are going into a bear market, many individual stocks are already in a bear market.


I canā€™t ever time the market. So, Iā€™m gonna ride it out as Iā€™m confident of the direction of the market

where do you see market going for next 6 months to year?


Depends on what stocks you are holding. If you are holding FANGMAN which have pricing power and tons of cash, no need to sell. If you are holding those high price to sale ratio with no earning stocks, you have to be VERY SURE to keep themā€¦ many of those could bust like those Dotcom stocks during Dotcom bust.

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A friend of mine is in financials and materials. What do you say?


I didnā€™t monitor that closely. What I know vaguely is they are still in strong bull trend. I have DE, CAT and COSTā€¦ still very strong. These stocks are making DJI hit new high and is why SPX didnā€™t dive like tech heavy QQQ.

Time for me to get a twitter account? I hate lefty big tech. But, may be I should swallow the pride and get an account. And which other social media do people frequent?

@hanera If I understood your comment correctly, when the bear market begins or becomes strong, the financials and materials will not do much. Is that correct?

When materials and financials join, is the strong DIVE.

If I am not wrong, you donā€™t need a twitter account thread tweets. Only if you want to be alerted for new updates. I may be wrong, I have twitter very long ago but donā€™t tweet.

The main tweet I follow is
The main YouTube I follow is Day Trader S&P 500 - YouTube

The rest I just glance through occasionally. As we speak, VIX shot up to 26+ and market continues to DIVE. So much for @manch wish for a short squeeze or @elt1 interpreting JC comment as a buy signal.

Anyhoo, I am waiting for the wave (1) to be completed, it keeps extending! I want to add to my short position near end of wave (2). Wave (2) canā€™t even start because wave (1) keeps going.

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I have ABNB. Results are out today :slight_smile: I got COUR at @34, but thatā€™s in my long term account.



I think you are confused with investing and trading. Panda and I are trading, not investing, indices like SPY and QQQ. For buy n hold, I owned AAPL since 1997 (return of late SJ)ā€¦ is the only stock I have + some S&P index fundā€¦ I care less about comments, news and quarterly financial performance, only care about Apple leadership.

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Sold my 408 SPY put for Sep for 800$ gain. Didnā€™t intend to - I was just too slow adjust the limit price this morning. :frowning:
Bought some FB calls with 6 month expiration.

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Ditto, have been buying ABNB whenever there is dip. Nice price on COUR :slight_smile:

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bought 2 SPY sept $400 PUT and 2000 UVXY