Indices & ETFs

Important: DTK didn’t flash red

That is, read for info or entertainment only.

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Is option buyer, an avatar of @manch?

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What about the alternative count in blue labels?

Optionbuyer is clearly not me. He left out EWT in his list of voodoo. EWT is the worst kind of voodoo. It’s not obviously crazy like astrology and moon cycles and appeals to humans’ psychological need for neat patterns.

EWT is better than fundamental voodoo which is gigolo. Your favorite female hedge fund managers, Cathie and Bethie use EWT :slight_smile: to time their trading decision.

Btw, you are too literal about what option buyer said… he meant Panda is full of shit. Btw, Panda claimed TA is 3x better than EWT, and according to Panda, TA said down below 4200 today… it went up :). EWT won again :slight_smile:


Monitoring his tweets for the super duper DTK red alert…

Still think there will be a HUGE DROP this month?

EWT = :poop:

Jun 10 :slight_smile: is not end of month.


Wait for the DTK red alert…

Please interpret above statement. Thanks. Also interpret what Panda’s chart say…


Can also happen online when bloggers ask dumb questions and make dumb statements.

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Ready… Panda is implying DTK should flash red 2mrw or Monday… getting tense… No red alert, no ST shorts… just for info, fifth wave of an ED can also be an ED :slight_smile:

After spending many years in Wall Street and after making and losing millions of dollars I want to tell you this: it never was my thinking that made the big money for me. It was always my sitting.

Jesse Livermore


Please explain the above line, particularly the “sitting” part

So many words, no DTK no care.


“After spending many years in Wall Street and after making and losing millions of dollars I want to tell you this: it never was my thinking that made the big money for me. It always was my sitting. Got that? My sitting tight! It is no trick at all to be right on the market. You always find lots of early bulls in bull markets and early bears in bear markets. I’ve known many men who were right at exactly the right time, and began buying or selling stocks when prices were at the very level which should show the greatest profit. And their experience invariably matched mine–that is, they made no real money out of it. Men who can both be right and sit tight are uncommon. I found it one of the hardest things to learn. But it is only after a stock operator has firmly grasped this that he can make big money. It is literally true that millions come easier to a trader after he knows how to trade than hundreds did in the days of his ignorance.”

If you’re an early bull, hold till end of bull market. No need to be cute, trading in and out, trying to capture profits from fluctuations.

If you’re an early bear, hold till end of bear market. No need to be cute, trading in and out, trying to capture profits from fluctuations.

“Speculators buy the trend; investors are in for the long haul; “they are a different breed of cats.” One reason that people lose money today is that they have lost sight of this distinction; they profess to have the long term in mind and yet cannot resist following where the hot money has led.”

Above is for the long term investor aka @manch :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The best RE deals are buy and hold.

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DTK turning orange.


DTK the super duper accurate indicator. Not astro. not cycle. Not technicals. Not EWT. Not trends.
One warning, I notice the Apr 15 one is not performing well… continue to go up for about 3 weeks before the 165 points decline. Before that, 2-3 days after red alert, market decline by 165 over … (didn’t figure that out).

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How do you know that?

If it’s super accurate how come Panda is not a billionaire?


Told you a few times. I read his tweets all the way to the start. Also, I don’t know what kind of accuracy you want… I don’t need precision like exact date/time… within 2-3 days is good enough.

Want me to speculate or you prefer to think for a few minutes?

It doesn’t happen that often :slight_smile: and I told you many times, when the sum become big, not easy to short, you can be short-squeeze e.g. TSLA. I can short $1M, nobody care. But those who short billion dollars got short-squeezed. Also, he didn’t realize is so accurate until … number of signals…

Anyhoo, now we can see how good is the DTK going forward… may be a boo boo like his cycles. Very accurate until the last one. May happen for this DTK. So one more reason, how confident are you that it always work all the time? May be after 100 perfect hits, the last one when you put $1B short, it didn’t work… screw…

Remember, no matter how confident you are and how sure you are, do risk management… position sizing and set entry/ exit prices… TRADING is what I am talking about… remember not about investment which is a different animal.

One more thing… never mind… just repeating myself. You can use your thinking cap or read past posts.

Btw, I find this sort of reasoning is DUMB… if it is this, why it is not this… I have commented on this before… it assumes only two possibilities and there is a connection.

Well you are the one who says “super super accurate”.


Is why I don’t really like qualitative words, everybody put different meanings to them.

Is why I don’t like you talk of no inflation because there is no hard numbers into it. What is considered inflation? What is the measure? CPI? No inflation means can have inflation for less than 1 year? So long is not more than 5% is no inflation? Can be above 6% so long doesn’t last for 3 months? Need hard numbers.

Btw, please quote correctly… I said super duper not super super. Even this you can screw up. SMH.

Well I wish you best of luck on following Panda cough off the cliff cough.

May the voodoo force be with you.


I always give people benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise.

So far Panda’s cycles is :-1: EWT is :-1: His technicals is :-1:

I want to know whether his DTK will be :-1: finally or still good.

Follow Panda? I am tracking him.

You have three bad habits,

  • Fossilized brain
  • Jump into conclusion
  • Typically democrat, if don’t agree with you, is an idiot and view is wrong. Never admit mistakes.

Years of US education and living in SV do you no good. Still don’t know how to be open minded and be flexible. You need to revise your Chinese education learned in HK.

Let me help you revise…




and …


Acid test of DTK coming…


Btw, please don’t jump into conclusion what will happen after DTK red alert. You are likely to misinterpret. Sleep well :wink:

Panda just posted this… notice he said higher high so don’t jump with excitement when a new ATH is hit.