Landlord: Tenant violated his lease by dying

Don’t be this landlord…

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Her brother “violated the terms his lease” when he died, a representative of the rental and management company told her. “She said to me, ‘He’s not getting anything back,’ ” Tolbert said.

A promised explanation for why they are keeping the $1,400, which she’d hoped to use to pay for his cremation, still hasn’t materialized – two weeks after that phone call and a month after her brother’s death.

No, don’t do crap like that… smh…

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Oh boy, if one of you guys in this forum is it…:imp:

Geesus! Where’s decency nowadays?

We all requrie 30 day notice. In writing. :slight_smile:

I had a tenant die on me last year. In October '15 he had been diagnosed with 3 types of cancer, stage 4. He was a stubborn guy, made it until August '16.
Rent during that time was paid by church, friends etc. The friends who live on the same property took care of everything after his death (removal of possessions etc).

Repairs took 2 months after that. Let’s just say that there was a lot of deferred maintenance.

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