Letter of Resignation from the Palo Alto Planning and Transportation Commission

We can’t stop people from having kids, or their relatively minimal water needs for hygiene and hydration, but we can reduce the amount of water used to irrigate in our seasonally dry climate. Given that we have to build something, it makes sense to build dense.

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Indirectly cow too right? They eat wheat and corn, right? What are the reasons why industrialization spread to those agricultural areas? Not suitable for building factories? Look like good candidates to build an entire supply chain for manufacturing iPhones :slight_smile:

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Many farmland has grandfathered-in water rights. Many don’t even have meters for their water usage. If farms are metered and charged for the water they use it will go a long way to conserve water. Taking a 5 min shower instead of 10 min is not gonna cut it.

Cities have conserved as much as they can, time for agg to do its share…all the fruit trees on 5 didnt exist before 1975…all use billions of gallons for the profit of a few big agg guys…