Many issues are touched on by Jack Ma - In Mandarin

Many issues, except real estate. Or education, which is interesting since (according to Wikipedia) he studied at Hangzhou Teacher’s Institute and was lecturer at a university. Perhaps he is jaded after being rejected by Harvard (10 times) and not finding employment after earning a grad school degree in business. He says, “I even went to KFC when it came to my city. Twenty-four people went for the job. Twenty-three were accepted. I was the only guy …”. He talked about inclusiveness and the need for more corporate citizenship to strengthen the social safety net. It’s an important issue which more leaders in the modern economy should consider, IMO.

Incidentally, I was just finishing a book which mentions Jack Ma where he brings up Taoism as being a big influence in the way he (and many Chinese) views life and work. It concludes that Chinese see invention as more of a discovery, creatio in situ. Maybe stereotypical to say so, but “Western approach is the way of the boxer. Jack’s way is that of a surfer.”

Why is it called One Belt

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