Market Cap Watch

Apple: 928.2B (-0.7%)

→ Gap: 95.6 (-28.9%) !!!

Amazon: 832.6 (+4.5%)
Google: 803.0 (2.9%)
Microsoft: 769.3 (-0.7%)

→ Gap: 202.4 (-4.9%)

Facebook: 566.9 (+1.0%)
Alibaba: 534.5 (+1.8%)
Tencent: 490.6 (+0.8%)
Berkshire: 473.1 (-0.6%)

Forgot to update last week. So the change rate is over 2 weeks. Biggest change is that the gap between Apple and Amazon has shrunk all the way to below 100B !! It now stands at 95.6B.

There are now two companies weighing in at over 800B cap: Amazon and Google.

The gap between the first and second tiers continues to shrink, now at slightly over 200B. Facebook, Alibaba and Tencent continue to be undervalued. Amazon, Facebook and Alibaba made ATH along with Nasdaq this week. The bull market can hardly contain itself.