Metaverse aka Omniverse, Mixed Reality, The Matrix

Well obviously I don’t know much about voodoo EWT. Also needs to tag your prediction FSLY is a better buy than NET.

I need to withdraw the few years time frame statement :slight_smile: Bad English. More like 1 year timeframe. Anyhoo, I haven’t do any EW of higher degree… NET could be the multi-year winner… so I won’t be selling NET regardless of what it does later… more like add more if it starts to retrace… NET and FSLY are very important for metaverse aka Web 3.0… Both should make tons of money… hence I hold both :slight_smile: rather than see who would be better, I own BOTH… unless some tech and biz savvy can tell us which one is better… as a layman who know skin deep, have to own both.

Btw, don’t tag incompletely… can you think clearly? and precisely?

It would help if you write clearly and precisely.


Talking to you I need to draw intestines!

Those valuations courses are taught by professors and make belief by WS.

Professor’s answer,


Btw, he is one of those who sell a mega winner because of valuations but I have held it for 25 years without doing any valuation assessment nor fundamental analysis.

If one has to sell an evaluation story in more than three slides (each 7x7 words), I loose interest.
Let me say it in different words. If i cannot understand the value in first three slides, I am unlikely to see the value in next 70 slides and 2 hours of presentation.

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I lost interest after three slides too :slight_smile:

@hanera Another nice day for U. Think we can get to $200 over the next 3-6 months.

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I am in for 15-20 years, no selling so long bullish thesis is unchanged.

NFT is going to be huge.

I want a drop so that I can buy some more.
For now, I’ve been selling short term puts and lowering my cost of ownership.

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I shorted put (LEAPS 2023 ATM) such that it is 30% margin. For example, if my account has $146,000, I would buy 1000 U shares and short 3 put (LEAPS 2013 $150)@$33 :money_mouth_face: with assigned price of $117.

If U declines to $117,000 for whatever reason, short put would be assigned at $117 which is 30% margin. Why 30%? Up to you. Aggressive can go to 50% (any higher is too risky), or be conservative and keep at less than 20%.


I am a bit risk averse. So don’t use margin. Maybe I should?

I would like to sell put. have 200 U but don’t have money currently. Will jump in soon.

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Tag update :slight_smile:

Orange alert :slight_smile:

U is very close to the first price target for wave i, $155 to $180 :slight_smile: somewhere in there.

Calling @manch to show his performance in NET holding. Below is mine for FSLY…

Trade based on EW picture below (other bloggers: created to transform @manch eyes to green, don’t trade based on it, definitely not a financial advice).

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Your gf is flirting with another man publicly. Control her.

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One TikTok doesn’t make it bad…

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This is not the past, people learned, don’t blindly apply past experience. What if a white knight comes along? There is some rumbling that might be the case. Who doesn’t want to control the future backbone of metaverse/ Web 3.0? Many can afford $5-$20B :slight_smile:

:+1: Should be big enough to accommodate both.

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