Mountain lions sighted at bay area

Wherever there are deer mountain lions will show up.
They eat one a week. Will clear out the deer population quickly


Daily midnight there are five Deers visiting my home and whole streets. In addition, skunk is also visiting sometimes ! So far, not spotted Mountain lions, but neighbors told me they spotted lion in my neighborhood hills.

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A mountain lion stalks my vineyard. All the deer left. A very useful predator

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wuhan ppl will try to capture and eat it.

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I saw three deer tonight. Deer season is over in three days and somebody may have shot the mountain lion. We will see what happens.

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Another one yesterday

No rain in sight. Sightings are only going to increase.

I like mountain lions. They control the deer population

Coyotes are becoming a problem here. They keep digging under fences. The city’s approach is to post guidelines for coexisting with coyotes. Shooting them with a gun is out. I bet a bow and arrow would do the trick, but it’d take some practice to get good enough aim. One of the spare bedrooms windows would be an ideal vantage point.

Clean kill bow hunting is hard. But with good shot placement some of the modern spring piston air rifles with silencers might work. So would shorts or CB’s.