New Site Real Estate Forums . Net

I put together a new forum site

That’s “Real Estate Forums . net”

Because I don’t have the $$ to get the .com

Go check it out.

I actually registered and … Redfin didn’t bother to get these two sites. Tells how little Redfin cares for the forums…

I will cross post things here and on my new site for a while. If nobody uses the new site for a month or two, I will just close it out. No biggie.

I just set up redirect for and to point to here…


Don’t want to get in trouble. Just want to get the old friends from Redfin forums to come here. :slight_smile:

All right. Great job Manch. Thanks for setting up the forum.

Are the topics & posts on Bay Area redfin(forum of forums property of redfin?

I’d think so. There is no easy way to export and import those contents anyway.

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Thanks a lot for setting this up, Manch!

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Wow, impressive Manch. Do you do drywall too??? :grinning:

Seriously, thank you for setting this up. I need my real estate content fix every day!!!1

I wish I do drywalls as well. Just paid 4.5K to my contractor this morning. OUCH

Is that for smooth or textured walls? When I was doing my home before move- in years ago I opted for the more expensive smooth walls and rounded corners. I suppose a pain when repairing due to accidents or holes but I have no kids to mess it up.

It’s for painting, which costs half the labor already, plus some floor work and fixing drywall holes etc. I am prepping my old house in San Jose to rent it out. If there some week long classes to learn some basic handyman skills I can easily pay 2 or even 3k to learn those skills. I am just the opposite of handy.

That’s a good question. They may very well be the property of each poster.

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