Next 10x Stock Winner


Also have IRBT call(Leaps $50) calls purchased for $21.80, more than double.

Good for you. Lunch on you?

That is not the bet :slight_smile:

It’s not about betting. It’s showering a friend with love when he’s down.

You fed me lemon when I offered you a peasant’s lunch :frowning: Although Yoda’s lunch is more tasty lol…you can probably order abalone chicken porridge with him.

Huh? Did I ever?

Nice try :expressionless:

Ranking of DB engines. MongoDB is the No.5 most popular according to them. Splunk is gaining in popularity. Amazon’s DynamoDB is not that popular surprisingly. I thought being tied to AWS will bump them up a lot. I heard it’s pretty difficult to program.

Splunk is not even an alternative for the other ones. It’s not a database in the traditional sense. It has a way of storing the log data but that doesn’t make it a database. Or, am I missing something?

Yeah it’s weird they include splunk as a DB. I just find the popularity ranking interesting.

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Got it. In terms of popularity I would think Elasticsearch and Splunk are higher than MongoDB and definitely in the top 5 or 6.

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I did some reading on elasticsearch and it looks amazing. Wish OSX integrates it at the OS level. The spotlight search on OSX is pretty weak sauce.

Looks like the company is still a startup.

It’s an awesome product. I am sure it will get acquired by one of these NoSQL vendors or Oracle itself. In fact Splunk might acquire it and kill it as it’s turning out to be a open source alternative.

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OK, looks like Splunk is toasted if it didn’t buy ELK and kills it. I was thinking of buying its stock. No way now.

I wouldn’t go that far. Splunk still is the number one choice for enterprises. ELK is fine for midsize projects but won’t scale at high volume of log data.

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manch and wuqijun,

Since you like to track, one more stock passed the $50k criteria,
IRBT (cross $100 :slight_smile: ) - Mad money is ATH because of that

All are making good money, now you understand why I said must stay in the market :slight_smile: hard to predict what Mr Market will or will not do. Just ride the wave even if Mr Market spits on you.

I sold irbt calls i bought to early. Or they expired. Idk.

Holding calls are always scary. Part of the game. Am getting too old for volatility of options :slight_smile:

When you’re old, sell covered calls against positions to generate yield. That’s pretty easy passive income.

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