No Need To Push Nice Places Like South Lake Tahoe @Elt1

That’s why most people merely have their primary home as their most valuable asset. Easy to create a multimillion dollar portfolio with leveraged real estate but much harder to create a multimillion dollar stock portfolio.

Can’t sleep in a stock portfolio. My wife’s client also sold Intel at near the ATH. Pretty good for a single mom with limited income. BTW, she is mid forties
very attractive looking for a rich husband, with a large stock portfolio… lol

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I need a rich mistress, sorry don’t have money. Could you ask her whether she is interested to go into casual relationship with a poor married man :wink:


Only if you are hung like a horse and can lick your eyebrows… lol

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Hey, @Elt1, don’t be trying to beat us at being dirty!!!

That was just tourists from the BA:sunglasses:

I wonder how the trash collectors adds up the number of ciggaret butts?

Same way my IRS buddy did it when on a stakeout at a casino’s eye in the sky, estimate the number of hands or tips received per some time sequence/interval and then translate that to a per hour amount income (give or take a few % for error)…

Soon, you will be begging for a slice of home, Karl The Fog, @Elt1:grinning::grinning::grinning:

We went waterskiing this morning at 6am. Air temp was 46. Water 68. Hardly warm
Bring on the warming. BTW the rest is typical liberal bleeding heart BS. Actually the lake is the highest it has ever been and will take several years of drought to draw down,
The following is fake news
The Tahoe Basin will also continue to warm and dry up in the next few decades. That could have serious side effects; drying soil means trees will be more vulnerable to insect attacks and disease, as well as wildfire.

You at it again, @Elt1???:grinning:

Sorry can get Chronicle open

My apartment building is one block away.
It is three blocks from the new Whole Foods shopping center. Hundreds of jobs and millions in revenue. Bullish. Measure T to ban VHRs is scary. Will see what happens in November.

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What do you think, @Elt1?

Overpriced for a one bedroom shack. Good neighborhood. I have a 4 bedroom a few blocks away that I rent for $2200/m. Paid $290k three years ago. Worth $500k now. Those one bedroom cabins are charming but hard to maintain or add on to.

Does the lot next door at a decent price make it more appealing?

Maybe. But it depends on what you can build on it. TRPA makes building very risky. The most valuable thing up here is a garage. That would be the best thing to add to the house

…when you got Nebraska…