No, There Is Nothing Wrong With Lowell's Selection Process

Please…do you really think the alum is going to let this happen without a fight? We have enough folks in high places, trust me.

Once you walk down the affirmative action road there’s no turning back. Now there are two tracks, one for some races and the other for the rest.

One less reason to raise kids in SF. :-1:

First of all, do you think this situation with a college prep public school like Lowell is unique? If Lowell has to dumb down, it may impact every academic public school out there. Hey, I have no dog in the race. People like you do. I am just trying to save you guys a few bucks before when it really should start costing (undergrad college). You want to pay for private schooling throughout your kids’ lifetime? Sure, go right ahead…

America dumbs down while China becomes more elitist. Only a matter of time before handing over that crown… oh wait, was already robbed. Sorry, Donald!!! :rofl:

Normally public schools select students by where they live. That’s basically the same as selecting by family income. Students go to their nearby schools.

But SF doesn’t allow that. The entire city is one district. Students living in the SW corner of the city can go to school at the NE corner.

Lowell right now selects students by their test scores. That’s a controversial proposition for a public school from the get go. I like the idea of providing private school caliber education for the talented poor. But seriously it’s a miracle it has last this long in a city like SF.

I suspect a lawsuit will come because of this…

Also I thought California bans affirmative action for schools? What happens? Or does it only apply to UC?

Sorry, but some kids are simply plain lazy and their parent(s) simply don’t care about their futures. Why is society left to feel the effects of this down the road?