Not Good, US Life Expectancy Drops Again!

I keep going back and forth on my position about opioid overdoses. On the one hand I think we should have compassion for these people, especially those that get hooked because of a medical condition. On the other hand I think we should let them OD and die.

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I think itā€™s around 70-80% start with prescription pain meds. We should definitely tighten up on prescribing those. We have, but we can probably do more. Thereā€™s no reason for the US to be consuming most of the pain meds in the world. Do we really injure ourselves that much more or have that much lower pain tolerance than others?

Itā€™s already very hard to get pain med subscription (to the point of being counter productive). The issue is the fraud, abuse and the ease with which people can get synthetic pharma on the internet and shipped by mail. Case in point - wifey had surgery 2 years back, they only gave her 5 pills (enough for 2 days) and we had to check in to get prescription extended and i had to go by and pick it up. each extension was for like 3 pills. She got so annoyed she said she would rather deal with the pain then call her doctor to ask for the prescription to be renewed. Now why are the doctors doing that? from what I understand talking to friends in the medical field, in many health care systems they have actually over pivoted and doctors are afraid to prescribe pain killers. So why do we have so many prescriptions floating around in the states with opiod abuse issues?


Pot is easy to get and relatively safe. Seems like a better alternative to opioids

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Yep I am of the firm belief that legalizing marijuana should be one of the ways to combat opioid abuse

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Did you use marijuana? Other than personal experience, do you have any reputable data source?

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Thatā€™s about medical marijuana. Recreational marijuana is many times bigger

I personally donā€™t think pot is a good pain killer but for many people pain is subjective and it is best to start with mild pain killers like ibrupofen or pot

my take (disclosure I donā€™t use marijuana) is that if alcohol and tobacco is legal, there is no reason for marijuana not to be legal. Might as well legalize it and regulate it and tax it. People are going to be using these products, driving it underground only enables crime.

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Right. Find the right solution for the pain intensity / duration. Marijuana should be one of the tools (e.g. for a chronic pain sufferer - back injuries, cancer, etc)

This is sexist. I demand congress pass laws banning it.

Married men live longer than single men. But men in general prefer not to outlive their wives. When my mom died my dad said he was done, only lived another 3 weeks.

Itā€™s interesting how stats say married guys live longer, but lifeā€™s a wild ride. Your dadā€™s story is real, though. Sometimes itā€™s about the personal stuff, not just the numbers.