Ok, 65-1.... Game Over Folks?

Ford’s agenda is against Trump…If she really was upset about Kavanaugh she would have appeared at his confirmation for his current judgeship…She is a political hack…


Maybe honestly at that more lower level she missed it or was not informed of it. SCOTUS is a total new ballgame, no?

Blaming the victim? If the guy is a rapist he’s a rapist. Doesn’t matter how early or late his victims chose to step forward.

Not knowing any evidence pro or against. The guy just looks like a creep.

Statute of limitations is 8 years…She is no victim. She is a democratic party operative…


I am going to get some heat for saying this but here goes… look, it probably happened but both were under the influence of alcohol. Young man, hormones going out of control as it was already, gets drunk and well assaults a female who may have semi participated to a certain degree only. Yes, that does not mean she consented to being sexually assaulted but I can see how it might have gone down that road. Ok, give me heat…

Men are literally in a no-win situation.

  1. Don’t hire a woman and you’re sexist
  2. Hire an attractive woman and you’re a pervert

Exactly what are they going to investigate with this? She can’t remember who’s house it was or when. They can’t even go question people to confirm they were at the same house at the same time. If they can’t confirm that, then how on earth and they going to confirm anything happened?

They are going to create a situation where men won’t want to hire a female employee for fear of having 1:1 meetings with her. These things are always smear and fire the man first and maybe ask questions later. It starts at the universities who have insane policies and disciplinary boards which violate constitutional rights. Men aren’t even allowed at the hearings or allowed to present evidence. It’s similar to the Salem witch trials.

Ford recalled the incident in therapy…She remembered something…But was unclear what it was… Has since fleshed out a story…I can’t remember exactly how things were 30 years ago…Memory is influenced by too many things to be reliable or accurate…Hence the statue of limitations…

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We live in United States, It’s innocent until proven guilty.
Anyone can say XXX raped him/her. say is one thing, prove it is another.
You cannot and should not rely any information on media to make any judgement.

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Confirmation hearing is a political act not criminal investigation. The burden of proof is not the same. Here we have to judge the person’s character because SC judge is a life long appointment and it’s an extremely important job.

There is no such a thing as statue of limitation there. If he lied about the encounter that’s reason enough to reject him. Plain and simple.

Remember: there is only one person that should be under scrutiny and that’s him.

Which is why it should be investigated right? you are making the argument for an investigation.

If anyone that supports the victim gets attacked by fanatic supporters on the right, there is no way justice can be done for either party. An impartial investigation is the best way to determine guilt or innocence. and if this is a false allegation then the accuser will be rightly blamed. But to blame the accuser even before the investigation and putting the onus of proof on victim is not the way to get justice.

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America has an over supply of lawyers. Is it so freaking hard to find someone who didn’t try to rape women?

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If she goes to the police, police will not open a file base on only word she say 30 something years ago someone raped her.

People coming out of the wood work 35 years later are not credible…Besides juvenile crimes records are sealed…This is politics pure and simple


Actually turns out in the state where this was said to have occurred there is no statue of limitations on assault and rape. BTW most sexual assaults go unreported precisely because of what is happening with Blaney over here. We need to stop victim blaming and give people a fair hearing.

and the stories are starting to leak about Brett Kavanaugh:

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I am not sure. That’s why I want to at least hear her out. Or better open an investigation.

This guy is just problematic. Not since Thomas have we had someone facing harassment claim. I surely don’t want to rush this. Remember they last hold the seat open for more than a year. We are just 1.5 month away from midterms. Who’s being political here?

Thomas popularity went up after she testified…No matter what Ford says Kavanaugh will be confirmed

Sure. May very well be. There will be price to pay. And the bill is due in 50 days.