Palo Alto Wakes Up Finally

Ya think???

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Funny how physicists and mathematicians like to put down engineers as not as smartā€¦Pure science may be intellectually stimulating. .But making money is much more stimulating to meā€¦I bet I made a lot more money than all my physics TAs that loved to put down engineersā€¦Kind of like lawyersā€¦The A students become judges, the B students become litigators, and the C students make all the moneyā€¦Take it from the son of an academic, book learning and school are highly overrated. .Common sense and shithouse cunning are more important. ā€¦Also social skills trump intellectual skills every timeā€¦

Well, I would like to think that laying that foundation (to bedrock :grin:) first by gaining all that knowledge afforded you the option to choose which path to go down. You were going to make money irregardless IMHO. Iā€™m sorry, if someone is completely stupid and have 0% book smarts, you simply ainā€™t gonna cut it out there todayā€¦

Maybe we should make college attendance based on residence? If you live closer to Stanford, you get a better chance.

Or make it a lottery. As long as you graduate from high school, you can have an equal chance of winning lottery to Ivies. This will provide the greatest educational equality to everyone. And the best stress reducer.

I am smart enough to stay away from trophy buildings designed to aggrandize architects and Trump wantabe developers

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I used to do math and later sold out to CS to make a living. I still look down on programmers even though I was one. :smile:

Welcome to the 20th century, guysā€¦

I find that over-education is also toxic, just like too much vitamin is toxic as well.

Many bright science PhDs or even overly ā€œintelligentā€ BSes are sometimes astonishingly naive. Itā€™s really an eye opener to see how much education can do to make bright people out of touch with the real life.

I did not live in the world where there is no PhDs, but I do not believe that these people would be that naive if they never go to college. They could have more curiosity and could spend time wonder about the nature, but I think their understanding of social reality should be much better had they start working after high school or even after college.

Iā€™m not anti intellectuals. I consider myself a pragmatic intellectual.

Technical competence is not equivalent to high EQ. History is littered by many poor geniuses and outstanding generals killed by shrewd lowly officials. Those brilliant PhDs and BSes that you mentioned are not good with humans.

New garagesā€¦hey baby steps

Yes, more baby stepsā€¦

Three years for three residential unitsā€¦and more office and retail. ā€¦Mixed use is impossible to finance and is rarely profitable. ā€¦These developers stepped into a pile of shit and will regret itā€¦

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Well, it is the perennial fav Palo Alto after allā€¦surely, youā€™ve seen much worst projects in much worst citiesā€¦

How about keeping the mixed used properly to get a diversified rent stream?

I think the commercial tenant does not mind the residential tenant, but good residential tenants may not like to live above a commercial place

Now that you mention it, I wonder how that would or could work. If the commercial space is closed on weekends that might be ok. So, a tenant is gone all day at work (good for the commercial side) and when he/she comes home the commercial side is closed (good for the tenant). Letā€™s not forget the parking spaces too!!! We love parking!!!

Almost impossible to finance mixed use

So, was it a liberal gang opposing housing development in PA for long time or what? Curious minds inquire.

No, NIMBYs doesnā€™t apply.

Well, I think it is pretty much well documented that it is just those old coot homeowners who want their paradise to remain so (even if they are about to kick the bucket apparently)ā€¦

Hmm, good or bad law passed in our fav want to be home???

Come on, donā€™t turn into the Fab 7x7ā€™s Bored Of Stupidvisorsā€¦