Real Estate Porn (Beverly Hills)

Free electricity is a joke. It is supposed to be a zero net energy house. Probably a lie. The railings will cost a lot more than that.
It would be good to look at this house during these rains to see where the water goes and if it ponds anywhere. I bet their construction loan payments are eating them alive. $20-30k/m?

Same feel for half the price.*YW1wLTRRUVlrUVl0VGhnSnd6RHBZZHplMDBsSzdTbVBuNUg1RmdJcXRMUFRlM1RSMFplVk9hY1E5T0tJclRCekUzcHA.

I toured a house like that years ago. Creeped me out to no end. And that one I think was the kids’ rooms under the garage.