Real Estate The Preferred Investment According To Survey

Is it an indicator of any kind? Say, over 25% feel RE is good means peak, and below 15% feel RE is good means trough.

Just interesting to see what people are thinking. I don’t get how stocks came in 3rd though. It sounds like you parents need to be educating your millenial kids a bit more about finances…

I think the volatility of stocks recently (dotcom and financial crisis) frightens average Joes. To them, prices of stocks doesn’t seem to follow fundamentals. Well, it doesn’t directly :(, follows greed and fear.

And as the one person said, real estate is tangible and the average joe can definitely understand it. Sure, def not as liquid as stocks and the price of admission can be too significant for a lot of folks but with some common sense, a touch of creativity and experience with tools, even an average joe can turn a run-down property into a gem all by him or herself for own living pleasure or for investment purposes.

The best investment is your own home…After that there are plenty of options…

Chart is bullish for stocks…tied with gold, plus cash is very popular…definitely bearish sentiment. …buy when there is pessimism… the market rises on a wall of worry…

And RE doesn’t?

Volatility is much lower, decline tends to be sticky. So less fear, more greed.