Serve in the Army, and get killed by the army

The unstoppable mistakes of this administration is amazing. It seems the mistakes are aimed to foreign applicants for asylum, kidnapping their babies at the border and deporting their parents whom won’t see them again.

Then, the ineptitude of the army. They seem to be sick by the same disease thriving in the white house, too much tweeting, no action. The lack or care, the lack for confidentiality is unbelievable.

Hundreds of immigrant recruits risk ‘death sentence’ after Army bungles data, lawmaker says

Army officials inadvertently disclosed sensitive information about hundreds of immigrant recruits from nations such as China and Russia, in a breach that could aid hostile governments in persecuting them or their families, a lawmaker and former U.S. officials said.

The breach carries a tinge of irony. The Army negligently gave sensitive personnel information to recruits who the Pentagon says present an elevated security risk — information that could become a propaganda victory for adversarial governments.