Shoring up a retaining wall between upper/lower lots

Agreed, for them to insist that they don’t bear any responsibility or cost in caring for their property is also ridiculous.

Thank you for this analysis!!! I was going to work it out at some point–hadn’t thought about the soil pressure, just that for every foot away we park, it’s gotta reduce the load significantly.

No cracks in the parking spot nor the concrete wall around it. Cracks exist in the asphalt leading down to the street, through they are not parallel to the slope. I will double check that, but they seems to be slanted a bit.

My understanding is that both are about 10 years old.

They’re not saying that at all. They’re arguing that they already replaced the wall once, that it was very expensive, that it’s cracking again, that the previous owners refused to believe that their car parked up top was causing issues, and that they can’t afford to replace it again. They added that because of the way the water had been draining off our property to theirs, their structural engineer had said that they had lawsuit materials.

The drainage has been dealt with, though. The remaining question is whether or not the car is an issue. If elt1 is correct, then it’s not, and they’ve simply got a permanent problem. If our car is an issue, or if our property is sliding off into theirs (it is in my best interest for the parking spot to stay flat–which it already isn’t), or if the trees are an issue, then I’d like to just fix the issue/remove the trees and move on.

I’m very sympathetic to the vast differences in income between those who moved in 30 years
ago, and us now. I’m happy to ask them to split the cost on fences or something they are pressuring me to fix that I could care less about, but that I’d rather pay to have this done the right way, once and for all than negotiate with these guys because I can tell that they’re pretty difficult to get to agree to things. Also, if we sell this house in 20 years, I want to be able to tell the buyer that this has been an issue and that we fixed it, and they can definitely ignore them.

Not disclose to you by previous seller?

Not very clearly. I guess there isn’t a space on the disclosure form for “Neighbors that hate me and reasons why.” But there should be…

Ok, @elt1. I checked the parking spot. There are some very thin cracks, and they do run parallel to the fence. They may be 6-12" wide, but fingernail or less deep. [ correction: fingernail or less wide]

Could mean settlement. Take pictures and keep an eye on it.

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Ok. Will do.

Ok, our fence is down after rain and wind ;(
How is your retaining wall doing after rain ?

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All the same except where I backed into the fence and popped out some boards.

Going to replace fence by usself (me and neighbour). Just for interest called fence companies. 3 local companies can not send estimators for 2-3 weeks… too busy

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